There is no need to fear if a drink is spilled on your carpet (Image: Getty)
Carpets suffer lots of damage during Christmas as it is easy for a glass of wine to spill or mud to be tracked into the house, but there is a simple way to clean even the toughest stains.
It is important to try and as soon as you notice them as the longer the stain sits, the more time it has to bond with the fabric and become permanent.
However, you do not have to spend hours scrubbing the floor or using expensive cleaners to get your carpet looking its best again.
What to use to remove common stains from your carpet
Club soda for wine stains
It may sound bizarre, but the experts at have shared that club soda can remove pigment stains like wine and will not leave a soapy residue later.
They said: “This is one of the oldest tricks in the book, and it still holds up, especially with wine and soda stains. Pour club soda onto the stain and allow it to sit for about three minutes. Then use a rag or sponge to blot the stain.”
Club soda will remove wine stains in less than three minutes (Image: Getty)
Club soda contains a small amount of carbonic acid, which can break down pigments without damaging the fabrics and the fizzy bubbles will also stop the stain from settling deeper into the carpet.
It will also dilute the stains so it is less concentrated and easier to blot, so your carpet will be back to normal in no time and not have any permanent marks.
Cornstarch for greasy food stains
Cornstarch is one of the best ways to remove any food stains on your carpet as it is highly absorbent and will pull any greasy or oily residues out of the fabric.
The expert said: “All you need to do is sprinkle a hefty amount of cornstarch onto the stain and let it sit for several hours. Then vacuum the cornstarch right up!”
What is fantastic about cornstarch is that it also neutralises odours so your carpet will smell fresher and not any leftover food smells lingering on the floor.
Shaving cream and warm water will help remove any other tough stains from your carpet (Image: Getty)
Shaving cream for mud or other tough stains
Shaving cream is surprisingly effective at getting rid of tough stains on carpets, as it contains mild detergent that can break down oil or other substances in the stain.
It also acts as a sponge due to how foamy it is and will draw stains out of your carpet to prevent them from settling deeper into the fabric.
Shaving cream is the best for removing mud or dirt but will also get rid of coffee stains, tea stains, ink stains or pet stains from urine or vomit.
The expert said: “This one seems strange, but it works wonders and will leave the spot smelling great, too!
“First blot the stain with a wet cloth. Then spray a small amount of shaving cream—you know how far a little bit of shaving cream can go, so make sure to take it slow. You can always add more!”
Then allow the shaving cream to sit for a few minutes and then wipe it away with a clean sponge or cloth. Pour some warm water to remove any leftover shaving cream and your carpet will be sparkling clean again.