Peace lilies can boosted naturally without a homemade fertliser (Image: Getty)
Peace lilies are one of the most popular houseplants due to their long elegant flowers, and there is a simple way to boost their petals to make them even more stunning.
If peace lilies are not properly fertilised they may grow weaker flowers or even stop blooming altogether, which is why it is important to feed them the right nutrients.
Eva, an eco expert and founder of says you don’t need to spend a lot on pricey fertilizers – you can feed your peace lily with banana peels instead.
She said: “Banana peels contain a lot of important nutrients: potassium, magnesium and phosphorous, just to mention a few.”
Banana peels have potassium, which helps promote healthy plant growth, and also contain phosphorus which supports flower production while magnesium is essential for producing energy.
Banana peels contain many nutrients which will help peace lilies flower (Image: Getty)
This is a natural and cheap way to give peace lilies a boost so they produce bigger, healthier and lusher flowers next year.
However, you cannot just throw a banana peel into the plant pot as the rotting fruit can attract all manner of pests such as flies or ants.
Eva said: “I choose the simplest way: soaking the banana peel in water for up to a week, then dilute the banana peel infused water with fresh water and water the plants with it.”
How to make a banana peel fertiliser for peace lilies
All you need to do is place a banana peel into a jar with a lid, then fill the jar with water.
Screw on the lid and leave the jar alone for at least 24 hours, but you can let it sit for up to one month. The longer you leave the peel to infuse, the more nutrients will be in the water.
Once you are ready to water your peace lily dilute the fertiliser so it is one part banana peel water and two to five parts fresh water.
Water peace lilies once a month with banana peel infused water (Image: Getty)
Water the peace lily at the base of the plant in the soil, and try to avoid getting any water on the leaves.
Only water a peace lily with the banana peel water once a month at most, otherwise, you can risk overfertilising the plant which can damage it.
Your peace lily will be fertilised and ready to grow stronger flowers once its growing season starts.
Eva said: “Apart from the nutrients, banana peel fertiliser for indoor plants have additional benefits like repelling aphids and reducing transplanting shock.
“It can improve the soil health too and enhance plant resilience. It’s also a cost-effective and eco-friendly way to top up your indoor plant fertilisers.”