Athos Salomé claims to have predicted a few major events in recent years (Image: No credit)
A man dubbed the “Living Nostradamus” has predicted a number of earthshaking events will come to pass in the year ahead, including authorities revealing aliens are real.
Athos Salomé, a Brazilian “prophet” who claimed to have predicted the -19 outbreak, ‘s invasion of , and the death of Queen Elizabeth II, believes 2025 could also be an important year.
Perhaps the most striking of his predictions, revealed to the , includes his belief that authorities will definitively speak on the existence of extra-terrestrial life, and may even provide evidence of alien worlds.
“2025 will be the point of time when the authorities start to officially declare the existence of ET, offering proofs of microbial life on Mars or other more complicated civilisations,” Athos told the outlet.
“Strategic silence will be at play from some Governments like that of US, and China as they hide information with a view of causing a global upset,” he added.
2025 could be a big year for alien hunting enthusiasts, Salomé predicts. (Image: Getty)
Major steps on the search by billionaire space enthusiasts, Salomé claimed, with “private initiative taken on by some bold firms such as ‘s SpaceX, setting the pace in revelations”.
The mystic has previously said that such a discovery would trigger a spiritual revolution, and told the outlet that “All religions, as well as philosophical systems, will find themselves in an unprecedented position to have to cope with this new condition.”
Another chilling prediction he has put forward is that AI will reach a point of no return by next year, believing a global incident could expose the autonomy of the technology, confirming the fears of those troubled by its rapid development.
Salomé insists he isn’t publicising his predictions for “unnecessary personal accolades”, and only wants public validation of ones that have proved true.
“I have noticed that, on several occasions, my predictions are appropriated by other individuals (not clairvoyants or paranormal experts) who present themselves as the originators of these ideas,” he said.
The Bulgarian mystic also made a number of chilling predictions for the years ahead before her death in 1996, with her supporters claiming she has previously foreseen, including the death of Princess Diana and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
But though the interpretations of her predictions have been disputed, the blind “psychic” gained a cult following by those who believe she had the unique ability to look far into the future.
However, she believes that rather than government knowledge of aliens being revealed to the public, ETs will reveal themselves to humanity – at a major sporting event.