A turkey sloppy joe is a brilliant recipe (Image: Getty)
Sloppy joes have had a makeover with ‘s turkey twist to make the most of .
Jamie said: “The sloppy joe is so much more than a sandwich or a burger. It’s a bun filled with delicious pulled meat and crunchy exciting vegetables.”
Not only that, the burger can be served alongside for a delicious dunking of flavour – and it only takes 20 minutes to have everything ready.
While reveals his way to make BBQ sauce, if you would like to simplify the even further, simply adding BBQ sauce to the buns is all that you really need (and the coleslaw).
To create the coleslaw, top ingredients include a carrot, an apple, red onion and gherkins – but will reveal the rest in his below.
Don’t miss… [CELEB COOK] [RECIPE]
Do you still have lots of leftover turkey (Image: Getty)
Turkey sloppy joes
Serves: four people
200g leftover cooked turkey meat
200ml turkey gravy
One carrot
One apple
Half a red onion
Two sprigs of fresh mint
Two gherkins
One fresh red chilli
Four seeded wholemeal buns
BBQ sauce
Two tbsp tomato ketchup
One tbsp HP sauce
One tsp English mustard
Half tsp chipotle Tabasco sauce
One splash of Worcestershire sauce
Gherkins add a delicious flavour and crunch (Image: Getty)
Put shredded leftover turkey meat in a small pan with a splash of water and four tablespoons of gravy. Pop the lid on and place on a low heat for 10 minutes. Warm the rest of the gravy in a separate pan, ready to use it for dunking later.
Meanwhile, peel and finely shred the carrot, apple, and red onion, and pick the mint leaves. Place it all in a bowl with one tablespoon of pickling liquid from the gherkin jar.
Finely slice the gherkins and the chilli, add to the bowl, mix well, lightly season and put aside. Mix all the BBQ sauce ingredients together.
Split and toast the buns, spread on the BBQ sauce, then add the turkey, some gravy and the slaw. Top with the top bun and enjoy.