Petrol and diesel owners are at risk of burning more fuel (Image: Getty)
and owners could “burn fuel” on their way home with traffic likely to increase consumption in a major blow.
Experts at have warned that traffic could be a blow for road users with vehicles likely to
Sitting in traffic while the engine is likely to use between while stationary.
Vertu stressed that idling could be the “biggest offender” of wasted fuel with all petrol and diesel owners at risk of being affected.
They urged road users to consider switching on their stop/start button to cut down on fuel use as much as possible.
Millions will it the road as Christmas comes to an end (Image: Getty)
Vertu explained: “Engine idling is perhaps the biggest offender when it comes to wasted fuel consumption. This is when you sit in a stationary car with your engine running, typically in standstill traffic.
“To avoid burning through as much fuel in the Christmas traffic, turn off the car’s engine when it comes to a stop.
“Some car models even have a seamless stop/start system that automatically turns the vehicle’s engine off when it comes to a complete stop.”
, Friday 27 December is set to be one of the busiest days over the holidays.
As many as 3.8million people with many heading home after enjoying the Christmas holiday with friends or family.
The RAC stressed that there was “no sign of traffic letting up throughout the Christmas period” which means regularly stopping and starting could be on the cards.
However, analysis from the RAC revealed this Christmas was set to be the cheapest at the petrol; pumps for several years.
They found the price of unleaded was around 10.5p per litre lower than the same time last year.
This reduction is having a major impact with individuals saving almost £6 (£5.75) per tank.
Meanwhile, diesel fees are 12p cheaper than last year which works out to be a saving of around £6.60 to fill up a whole vehicle.