Bread stays fresh for 7 days longer without a breadbox if stored with 1 simple item

Picture of breadbox

Breadboxes keep bread fresh for take up too much room in the kitchen (Image: Getty)

It may seem obvious to store bread in a breadbox, but many people are looking to find alternative means to keep bread fresh due to how clunky this device is. 

, a homestead expert, has shared that while breadboxes help keep bread fresh, they can often be clunky and take up too much kitchen countertop space.

She said: “The downfall of a bread box is they do take up a large amount of space, so they may not be a great option for those without extra counter space.” 

The best way to keep bread fresh without a breadbox is to wrap it up, as it needs a protective layer to keep it away from too much air (which will cause it to become stale) and moisture (which will cause it to become mouldy). 

Wrapping bread in linen is the most effective way to keep it fresh as it is a breathable material that allows air to circulate around the bread which will help stop both staleness and mould. 


Picture of bread wrapped in linen

The best way to keep bread fresh is to wrap it in linen (Image: Getty)

If you wish, you also wrap the bread in clingfilm but is not very durable and will need to be replaced often, which can be expensive as well as wasteful. 

Cotton bags or wraps can also be used but will not be as effective as protecting the bread as linen which means it will go stale faster. 

Melissa said: “Linen is superior to cotton when it comes to bread storage for a few reasons. It is made from flax, which is also a beautiful flower but easier to grow than cotton in a wider range of environments.

“Linen fabric is stronger than cotton, meaning it will last longer in a homestead kitchen, hello durability, you lovely thing you. 

“While cotton is moisture-wicking, linen has a slight edge on it in that department, making it a winner between the two materials.”

Picture of bread in the kitchen

Bread can stay fresh up to a week without keeping it stored in a breadbox (Image: Getty)

How to store bread without a bread box

Bread will stay fresh a lot longer if you wrap it loosely in a linen cloth and then place it somewhere dry in your kitchen.

However, you need to ensure that wherever you store your bread is also cool, as mould thrives in warm and humid conditions. 

Keep your bread stored in a kitchen or drawer in the kitchen that is far away from your oven or any other hot appliances like air fryers. 

Do not store bread in the fridge, as the cold temperature will cause it to dry out faster, which will cause it to harden. 

Melissa said: “It seems like storing bread in the refrigerator would prolong the shelf-life, but because of the cold temperature, it actually turns your bread stale more quickly.”

If you follow this simple storage method then you may be able to extend the shelf life for up to seven days, but if you need to keep bread fresher for longer then consider freezing it. 

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