Act quick to get rid of stains (Image: Getty)
Family and friends may have haphazardly spilt some red or , among other things, on the carpet. guru Aggie MacKenzie advised: “For red wine, you can use soda water, which is about 85p in the
“Douse in soda water and, using a clean white towel and work from the outside in. Dab and re-wet until all the colour is out of the carpet and on to the towel.”
Whatever you do, though, avoid the common mistake of splashing white wine over red wine. Aggie explained: “Using white wine to remove red wine from carpet is a popular myth, but it’s not recommended.
“White wine itself can leave sugars or tannins in the carpet, creating its own or attracting dirt over time.”
What if it’s you’ve managed to spill on the carpet? Fear not, Aggie suggested treating the “quickly” by using a cold water and washing-up liquid solution.
Spilled Bailey’s may leave a smelly stain (Image: Getty)
“But pay special attention to neutralising odors with bicarbonate of soda or vinegar,” she said, adding: “If the stain has dried, apply the washing-up solution and blot repeatedly to lift residue.”
Perhaps little children have unknowingly (or knowingly) smeared chocolate into the carpet. Aggie recommended scraping off “as much as possible” before applying a cold water solution.
The cleaning legend elaborated: “Use cold water to prevent the stain from spreading or setting. Then apply the washing-up solution and work gently, blotting repeatedly to remove the stain.”
Any gravy stains need to be blotted “immediately” with a paper towel or clean cloth to absorb the grease. “Sprinkle a generous amount of bicarbonate of soda or cornflour over the stain to absorb the grease,” instructed Aggie.
Muddy carpets are best left to dry first (Image: Getty)
“Let it sit for 15 to 30 minutes, then vacuum thoroughly. Next, add warm water mixed with washing up liquid and apply the solution to the stain using a clean cloth or sponge, dabbing gently without soaking the carpet.”
Aggie continued: “Use a soft-bristle brush or an old toothbrush to work the cleaning solution into the carpet fibers gently. Then, blot the area with a clean, dry towel to lift the loosened grease.”
If mud is the problem, Aggie advised: “Leave mud to dry overnight, vacuum off the worst in the morning, then take a damp cloth with plain water to remove the residue.”
How Clean is Your House? host Aggie MacKenzie teamed up with to provide these top stain-removing cleaning tips.