The puzzle has taken some people up to 30 seconds to complete (Image: Annuity Freedom)
This winter is trickier than it looks, and if you’re looking for a festive challenge, this puzzle could be perfect for you.
As Christmas Day approaches, a new festive is leaving even the sharpest of eyes bewildered.
The task has proved challenging even for the most experienced puzzle enthusiasts.
Among this image of snowmen, there are three hidden frowning ones – but can you spot them?
In the cheerful scene of with bright smiles and festive scarves, three snowmen aren’t quite feeling the holiday cheer.
But finding them might not be as easy as you think!
Test how observant you are with this of snowmen decorated with classic hats, carrot noses, charcoal eyes and buttons, as well as colourful scarves.
The creators of the , , camouflaged the sad snowmen so well that some people took close to 30 seconds to find them.
Can you spot them within 10 seconds or faster and prove you’re a champion?
If you’re struggling to find all three, the solution image will reveal their hiding spots. Take your time, or take a peek if you’re curious!
Brainteasers can take various forms, including word puzzles, mathematical challenges, visual conundrums, or riddles, all designed to stimulate your brain in finding solutions that aren’t immediately apparent.
If you can’t see the three frowning snowmen, here they are circled in red (Image: Annuity Freedom)