Brits have been issued a stark warning for the end of Christmas (Image: Getty Images)
As Christmas comes to a close, many are keen to take down their trees and pack away their decorations, with some doing it as early as Boxing Day and others waiting until January 6th. However, experts are warning against making a common mistake when storing decorations that could lead to higher heating bills.
According to heating specialists, storing boxes of decorations on top of loft insulation can compress the material, significantly reducing its ability to retain heat. Dave Raval from The National Warm Homes Council (NWHC) warned: “It’s estimated that the average detached home will pay up to £380 a year more in heating bills because their loft insulation has been crushed by boxes – over the years this will quickly become thousands of pounds wasted. ” He emphasized the importance of proper insulation, stating: “Properly insulating your loft, with around 300mm of insulation, will save every household hundreds of pounds in their heating bills every year. But crushing it with boxes and boards halves its effectiveness, as it works by being fluffy and trapping air.”
Raval warned of monetary losses through poor storage practices: “There really is cash flying out of your attic if you get this wrong and real savings to be made if you protect your loft insulation.”
A recent survey by Loftzone, a member of the NWHC and manufacturer of loft storage solutions, showed that a staggering 41% of 2000 homeowners quizzed were placing items directly onto their loft insulation. What’s more alarming is that nearly half of them didn’t realise this drastically reduces the insulation’s effectiveness in heat retention.
The Government advocates for loft insulation to measure up to 270mm for optimal performance, cautioning that compressing it can cut its thermal resistance by as much as 60%. Shockingly, an estimated eight million UK homes fall short of having the recommended loft insulation.
In addition, a significant number of properties may have previously had adequate insulation that has since been compromised by being squashed under storage boxes or festive decorations like Christmas adornments. Executing thousands of home insulation installations during the late 2000s, former Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s initiative to curb energy consumption granted government funds, but failings occurred as there was no subsequent advice offered on maintaining the integrity of the installed insulation.
The National Warm Homes Council, a coalition of British businesses dedicated to energy efficiency, is rallying for key changes in building regulations that would compel developers to cover insulation with protective boarding. The group is also pressing the government to ensure loft insulation is safeguarded during housing refurbishments nationwide, and demanding the removal of VAT on products linked to insulating lofts.
Mr Raval asserted: “This is such a quick and easy way for everyone to reduce the demand for energy, so we want to see the government make it a ‘must’ for new homes when they change building regulations.”
He emphasized the potential benefits by stating, “There are plans to build 1.5 million new homes in the UK by 2029 and by protecting loft insulation could make a massive difference to consumers and the planet. “Mr Raval further highlighted political traction for energy efficiency, noting: “During the election The Labour Party committed to investing an extra £6.6 billion over the next parliament to improve energy efficiency by upgrading five million existing to cut bills for families. The Warm Homes Plan will offer grants and low interest loans to support investment in energy efficiency, and loft insulation protection must should be at the heart of that plan.”