Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg is stepping down next year (Image: GETTY)
Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, has announced he will step down from his role in 2025.
Delivering an emotional Christmas speech on December 24, the Grand Duke revealed it would be his last festive broadcast.
Henri, who has led Luxembourg for nearly 25 years, will abdicate in favour of his son Guillaume, who has already assumed many of his father’s duties in recent months in the role of Lieutenant Representant.
The outgoing Grand Duke, reflecting on his reign, told viewers: “It has been a period during which Luxembourg has undergone great changes, and I am proud to have been able to, together with the Grand Duchess, walk this path with you.”
He described a quarter of a century marked by challenges, opportunities and conflicts, which forced him to “think and question” himself.
Henri continued: “But they also strengthened our sense of belonging to the same nation. We have remained united in making Luxembourg an even more welcoming place, within a sustainable environment.”
Grand Duke Henri of Luxemburg will be followed by Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume (Image: Getty)
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