Christmas presents could see drivers hit with fines (Image: Getty)
Motorists could be slapped with a hefty and penalty points on their driving licence for stacking presents in their vehicle due to a
As drivers head to visit family and friends over the holidays, may be inevitable.
However, overloading a vehicle with stuff can backfire, with experts
Loading up the back of a car seat risks blocking motorists’ visibility outside their rear window in a major blow.
This will prevent road users from seeing any important road hazards and crucially is against the rules.
Overloading a car with gifts could dramatically backfire (Image: Getty)
states that windscreens and windows must be kept clean and free from obstructions to vision at all times.
Failing to follow the rules could see motorists charged £1,000 while road users could even face three penalty points on their driving licence.
explained: “While loading up your car with Christmas presents for loved ones is a joyous tradition, it’s crucial to exercise caution and avoid overfilling the vehicle to the point where it obstructs your view.
“Drivers must always have full control over their vehicle and have a clear view of the road and traffic ahead.
“If caught driving their vehicle in an unsafe manner, drivers can face a fine of up to £1,000 and three points on their licence.”
It’s not just motorists’ vision of the road that could be a problem, with owners also having to follow strict vehicle weight limits.
Motorists could be punished for exceeding the maximum authorised weights for individual vehicles.
Vehicles less than 10% over the weight limit will face a fixed penalty of £100.
Andrew Jervis. CEO of motoring experts at admitted weight restrictions should also be a concern.
He said: “It’s absolutely essential that the driver can see a clear and full picture of the road through the vehicle’s windows and rear mirrors, and avoid creating blind spots.
“Meanwhile, it’s important to be careful that the weight of the load does not tip the vehicle’s overall weight past its safe limit.
“We should always take care when packing our vehicles, whether it’s with gifts, suitcases or a tree, to ensure our own safety and to avoid falling foul of the law.”