You can keep potatoes fresh for Christmas dinner by storing them in the best spot in the kitchen (Image: Getty)
There is no bigger nightmare scenario than spending lots of money on food for only for it to become spoiled and rotten before the big day.
are likely to be at the top of most people’s shopping lists this holiday season, but the most common reason they go bad is that most people do not realise they are them incorrectly.
It may seem obvious to keep them on your countertop, but this can be one of the worst places to store them in the kitchen. When potatoes are exposed to light, they turn green, which can cause them to sprout and develop a horrible bitter taste.
You should also avoid placing potatoes in the fridge as the cold temperature can turn the starch into sugar, and the higher sugar content can react with the amino acid when cooked to form acrylamide, a positionally harmful chemical that can increase the risk of cancer.
Instead, , a professional chef with over 25 years of experience, has shared that potatoes are best stored somewhere dark, airy and mild in the kitchen.
Potatoes will stay fresh for 3 months longer if stored somewhere cool, dark and airy (Image: Getty)
She said: “Potatoes keep best when placed in a well-ventilated container and stored in a dry location, away from sunlight, and at temperatures between (7C and 13 degrees C).
“That isn’t too easy to find in most homes today but if you place them in a paper bag, cardboard box, or bowl (not in a plastic bag) and keep them in the coolest part of the kitchen or a dry part of your basement, it should help their longevity.”
In the UK, the best place to store potatoes is in a cupboard or drawer in your kitchen that is far away from hot appliances such as the oven or air fryer.
Potatoes can be sensitive to temperature, so it is important to keep them away from radiators or drafty areas in your kitchen.
Once you have found the best spot, remove potatoes from the supermarket plastic packaging, as this can cause moisture to build up in the environment, which will attract mould.
Make sure to also store potatoes away from onions and carrots (Image: Getty)
Store potatoes in an open container without a lid as it will allow more air to circulate and prevent moisture from being able to build up in the environment and spoil them.
It is also incredibly important to know that potatoes should never be stored together with onions, as their strong aroma can affect the taste of your spuds.
Onions can also produce natural gases that can accelerate potato spoilage, so it is best to keep them far away from each other in the kitchen.
Other vegetables potatoes should be stored away from are root vegetables such as carrots due to their high moisture content, which can increase the risk of mould in potatoes.
If potatoes are stored correctly, then they can keep fresh for up to three months, so you can make mouthwatering roasties this Christmas without worrying about them rotting.