Botrytis causes mouldy spots on plants. (Image: Getty)
A common disease infecting healthy plants shows up in the form of dark spots as gardeners are urged to remove affected areas.
Found on a wide variety of plants, grey mould, caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea, is a fungal disease which spreads rapidly throughout .
Especially in damp, cool to mild weather, the mould will thrive, affecting plants all year round. The attacking disease causes a soft decay of plant tissues accompanied by a growth of fuzzy grey mould.
The Botrytis normally enters through a wound or infects green plants that are under stress caused by unsettled conditions. However, it can also infect healthy plants as well including flowers and fruits.
The disease also affects a variety of fruits and flowers. (Image: Getty)
It’s commonly found on grapes, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, beans, cucumber, courgettes, lettuce and tomatoes.
A key symptom for gardeners to look out for is spots. If humidity is low, the infection will typically be contained to a single plant, but it will manifest in the form of small grey patches.
Under more humid conditions, these spots can spread into fuzzy grey-brown mould which can be found on decaying buds, leaves, flowers or fruits.
If infection has been identified, experts have urged people to not leave dead plant material lying around as the disease can spread. Promptly after noticing the issue, remove the infected part and dispose of it. However, do not compost any affected leaves or stems as it runs the risk of Botrytis infiltrating other areas.
Gardeners urged to remove any affected areas immediately. (Image: Getty)
For greenery grown under glass, reduce the humidity of the area by improving ventilation, making sure to not overcrowd the site.
Hygiene surrounding your planting is also key to prevent the mould in the first place. This can be done by keeping the soil underneath the plants clean and raking up any fallen debris that may have blown into your garden.
Expert advice from Plant Natural also suggests watering your shrubs in the early morning hours to allow for them to dry throughout the day.