UK households urged to keep curtains open on Wednesday

Households are being urged to keep curtains open (Image: PA)

Households up and down the UK are being urged to keep their curtains open on Wednesday, this coming Christmas Day.

Though many of us are used to playing curtain ping pong to try to keep our homes cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, heating experts have today issued fresh guidance on what people should do with their window coverings over .

We’re all set to stay in on Christmas day, but with a turkey in the oven and the telly blaring half the day, could quickly rack up.


Indoor living exports stressed that even in the coldest months, there are steps you can take to maximise the heat in your home, and it all starts with your curtains.

In fact, a few quick changes at home can make as much as 10 percent difference to your annual gas and electricity bills, or £171 a year.

They said: “Even in the coldest months, the UK still sees sunlight, and it’s free heat! Open your curtains and blinds during the day to let in as much sunlight as possible, and then close them at night to keep the heat inside.

“Heavy curtains provide additional insulation, helping to trap warmth. While this may seem like a small step, it can make a noticeable difference in keeping your home warmer without touching the thermostat​.”

They also urged households to keep doors shut, adding: “One of the simplest ways to retain heat in your home is by keeping doors closed to prevent warmth from escaping into unused areas. This works especially well for larger homes or homes with open-plan designs. Additionally, closing doors behind you helps to create a ‘pocket’ of warmth in the room you are in, reducing the need for constant heating adjustments.”

Finally, households cooking a Christmas dinner are being told to use the heat from the oven as a bit of free heating, too.

They added: “If you’re cooking up a storm for Christmas dinner, make the most of your oven’s heat. Cooking for large groups naturally warms up the home, so take this opportunity to lower the thermostat.

“To save even more energy, opt for energy-efficient appliances like slow cookers or air fryers.”

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