experienced an awkward moment on Thursday’s episode when etiquette expert William Hanson jokingly gave her a telling-off. William joined the programme to impart his wisdom on Christmas manners for the holiday season.
The segment saw William at a table with the presenters, discussing the proper conduct for enjoying a Christmas feast. The situation heated up when Josie was asked to pour gravy onto a plate, leading to William’s dismay.
He handed her a gravy boat and requested the This Morning presenter show how she would serve it in her own home. As she began pouring directly onto her plate, William interjected with a loud: “Ok stop, please stop!”
Josie admitted her preference for drenching her meal in gravy, but William was quick to correct her method, prompting chuckles from the studio audience. He then instructed her on the appropriate technique, saying: “What I would suggest you use, see you’ve got a lovely ladle in front of you, would you please pick up the ladle and the gravy boat? So gravy is always ladled.”
William jokingly scolded Josie for how she pours gravy on her food (Image: ITV)
Despite the fact that the gravy boat had a spout, William insisted on using a ladle, quipping: “Yes, even though it’s got a spout. I know it makes no sense, but that’s British etiquette for you.”
Josie, however, seemed unconvinced by this approach, admitting that using a ladle would take her all day. During the show, attention turned to the proper way to handle gift unwrapping, reports .
William queried Josie on her method for dealing with underwhelming gifts, asking: “Do you have any tactics if you are maybe opening a present you think potentially might be a bit rubbish?”
The ITV host admitted to a pragmatic approach, saying: “I would always save it and re-gift it the year after.”
This Morning interrupted as guest yells ‘please stop’ at Josie Gibson (Image: ITV)
A discussion about the ethics of regifting ensued, with William musing that its suitability hinges on the nature of the gift and the relationship with the giver.
He advised a tactful strategy: “I would suggest, for any present, just have your face in a neutral expression when you open it. Then you can burst into a lovely smile when you see it’s a lump of coal or whatever it is you are disappointed with.
“If the person is in the room watching your face and you’re smiling and your face drops slightly when you see rubbish, they’ll see that microexpression and they’ll know. So I would have a neutral expression.”
William was sharing advice on Christmas etiquette for the festive season (Image: ITV)
In another segment, Dermot broached the delicate topic of Christmas Day marriage proposals.
He was curious to hear Josie’s take on whether such timing was appropriate, to which she enthusiastically responded: “Oh, I don’t care what day it is!”
This Morning continues weekdays on ITV from 10am.