Couple embracing the zodiac (Image: Getty)
A woman you are introduced to will be helpful in opening up new paths for you. This could take you to a place you’ve always wanted to visit or, with her support, you will get the chance to try something you’ve always dreamed of doing. Mixing up your daily habits will add excitement to your life.
You will be happy to soak up the cheerful atmosphere around you. A brainstorming session will bring out some great ideas. Your input is important in a big conversation so don’t hold back. While the excitement is contagious, make sure to keep your feet on the ground.
A sudden desire to delve into new subjects, options or environments will have you changing plans you did have for the day. You have a strong need to satisfy your curiosity and feed your wanderlust. Even if physical travel is not an option, you can still embark on a mental journey.
Taking on new responsibilities will lead to an increase in your earnings. This is your moment to ask for a higher salary than was originally proposed. Your friendships and social circles are going through a change. A close relationship is a little shaky so focus on listening rather than talking.
Putting in the effort to liven up your social scene will also attract some romantic attention. Your friendly nature and expertise make you a popular figure. Expect to receive a few invitations to festive parties and dinners. Take this opportunity to meet some exciting new faces.
Your natural inclination is to keep feelings to yourself and yet, when you open up and share different aspects of yourself with others, this can help strengthen bonds with people you care about. Discussions and negotiations will turn out better than expected.
Signs of the zodiac (Image: Getty)
New duties you are taking on now are turning a personal issue with a colleague into a bigger problem. Secret loyalties will spark some serious conflict. Pulling away from a group might bring about some unexpected results. Nurture your own interests now.
The more that is piled on your plate now, the harder things are going to get later. Have you really thought about what you are signing up for? Spending more than you can afford this Christmas will only make things harder in the New Year. If you’re watching your budget, avoid online auctions.
A decision you are making could have long-term consequences. You’re aware your partner and a few others don’t support this. Are you sacrificing too much for this relationship? Isn’t it time you stopped putting your own needs on the back burner just to please your best friend or partner?
Hands clasping the zodiac (Image: Getty)
Talking to a spiritual advisor or a homoeopathic practitioner can be really helpful. Stay open to ideas you may not have considered yet. Creating a long-term plan is a good way to help you maintain your focus. This will help you feel more confident that you follow through on your projects.
With everything going so well for you, praise coming your way will highlight your remarkable gifts and talents. You’re being urged to showcase these abilities in a business setting as they have the potential to unlock opportunities that were previously closed to you.
You could do with some rest and relaxation. Don’t be reluctant to admit this and don’t deprive yourself of what you need. You will hear some good news about something that is important to you but don’t expect a loved one to share your enthusiasm.