Best time to shop for Christmas vegetables to save money on festive meal

Man Shopping for Fresh Produce in a Grocery Store Aisle

You can get your Christmas vegetables for very low prices at some supermarkets (stock image) (Image: Getty)

The best time to hit the supermarket for your vegetables has been revealed.

A social media page, Catch a Gem, promises to “drop gems on the latest deals, discounts and freebies” and has shared when to shop for your Christmas to get the best price. It revealed that December 18th or 19th until the 24th is when you can expect to scoop up your Christmas vegetables for the cheapest price.

During this time, supermarkets are offering products from as little as 10p or 15p, according to the page. This is sure to help you on Christmas dinner this year.

The man behind Catch a Gem shared a video on December 18th where he claimed: “Almost every supermarket in the UK will be taking a loss this week because they want you to shop at their stores. Here’s how much Christmas veg will cost at every single supermarket.

“Now these offers will either start today or tomorrow (18th-19th) and will run until December 24th. and have already started their offers with Sainsbury’s offering veg for 15p and Morrisons offering them for just 10p.


“Now the ones starting on the 19th are ,, and . Lidl do come out the cheapest because on the leaflet it does say that all their veg is just 9p. Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Aldi are due to launch their veg for 15p but we won’t be surprised if we see Aldi price match with Lidl.”

Supermarkets are selling carrots, parsnips, brussel sprouts and potatoes for 15p or less. Aldi’s website currently says it is offering fresh Christmas veg for just 8p.

This is the best time to shop for Christmas veg! One store comes out the cheapest and you don’t need any type of loyalty card to claim the offer! These offers are correct at the time of filming – supermarkets may price match each other throughout the week!

Catch A Gem’s video has had 457,000 views, 18,000 likes and has been shared nearly 13,000 times. It has also had more than 200 comments.

Asda commented on the video to say it will be selling Christmas vegetables for 8p from December 19th, price matching with Aldi. Several users said should be able to offer vegetables at such low prices all year round.

One said: “If they can afford to do it over Christmas they can afford to do it all the time.” Another added: “If they can afford to do this now they do this the rest of the year.”

Other users disagreed with Catch A Gem’s claim that supermarkets will be “taking a loss”. One commented: “Not a loss, I’ve noticed they’ve added it on elsewhere. It’s a very clever tactic.

“I’m all for it. Work smarter not harder although I wish we all still shopped locally rather than through chains.” Another said: “Never knew veg was this cheap, had a shock in Tesco yesterday, spuds usually £1.30 down to 15p a bag.”

If you’re looking for a bargain on your Christmas vegetables, get down to your nearest supermarket fast as stocks are likely to run out quickly.

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