Get rid of mice for good with one natural but very effective household item they fear

Picture of mice in the home

Mice are more common in winter as they will risk being near humans for food, warmth and shelter (Image: Getty)

Mice can be a major concern in winter as they are more likely to be bold enough to enter people’s homes due to struggling to find food and a warm shelter during the cold weather.

However, rather than scattering poison or other toxic deterrents around your home, try out this natural DIY technique first which can discourage rodents from setting up a permanent habitat.

The experts at have suggested placing kitty litter in areas mice are likely to come into contact with as it can scare them into leaving.

They said: “Cat urine, while not the most appealing remedy, can warn mice off when used in the form of used kitty litter. Placement is key—for the mice and for you! Place in discrete locations around rodent entry points.”

Cats are obviously natural predators of mice and if they can act as a warning that the rodents are not safe in this location and can discourage them from nesting.


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Picture of kitty litter

Kitty litter is incredibly effective are getting rid of mice as they will assoicate it with danger (Image: Getty)

If you do not own a cat or do not want to leave kitty litter exposed around your home then you can also try using peppermint oil instead.

Mice have highly sensitive noses and can easily find strong smells disorientating, and peppermint is known to be too intense for rodents as it irritates their noses.

The pest control expert said: “Essential oils are a great natural repellent for pests, and mice agree! Roll or spray peppermint oil along baseboards or points of entry.”

You can also soak cotton balls them peppermint oil and place them around areas with the most mouse activity, such as under sinks, under wardrobes or underneath the bed.

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Another alternative to consider using as mice deterrents is apple cider vinegar, which you can dilute with water and spray around your home to ward off rodents.

However, one of the most effective house object objects that will keep mice away is steel wool, often used in cleaning, as it will physically block mice as they cannot get past it.

The expert said: “This is our favourite method of all, and the most reliable. Mice and rodents aren’t able to chew through the tough material.

“Simply stick steel wool in any crevices or holes in your home, using a strong wood and metal adhesive to keep it in place.”

Picture of steel ball wool

Steel wool balls are used around the home to do the dishes but can also keep mice away (Image: Getty)

Mice cannot chew through the steel wool due to the sharp fibres so place it in any holes, cracks or any house nooks a mouse could hide in and it will keep them away.

However, these natural deterrents will only work on a few mice to stop them from becoming a massive infestation.

If you suspect you have a bigger pest problem, then call in a professional to inspect your home, and they will be able to recommend a more suitable method.

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