In the video, the mechanic urged all viewers to never buy a used automatic car with this fault (Image: YouTube @scottykilmer)
One of the most popular on has urged drivers thinking about to avoid any model with a certain fault that could .
has been a and regularly posts videos to his YouTube channel where he offers tips to .
In , Scotty warned viewers to avoid any automatic car with a certain problem, stating it could cost thousands to put right.
He said: “Today I’m going to tell you what to do if you have your car with an automatic transmission in gear and you step on the gas and, while the engine revs up, the car doesn’t go anywhere. Pray that you’re just low on fluid. If you’re low on fluid, it will slip.
“But let’s say you turn the car off, then turn it back on again, and then you put it in gear and it moves. It could be an electronic problem then, like a bad transmission control module. But, if none of that works, you’re probably going to need a new automatic transmission.”
An automatic car that does not move off when in drive could need a replacement transmission (Image: Getty)
As electric and hybrid cars grow in popularity, more models on the UK roads feature an automatic transmission.
Whilst these vehicles are often easier to drive and nearly as efficient as a manual gearbox, Scotty warned that they can develop a fault where the vehicle does not move when in drive.
In minor cases, drivers could be able to solve the fault by topping up the transmission fluid or replacing an electronic module. However, the fault could also result in drivers having to replace the entire automatic transmission, which could cost up to £5,000.
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When buying a used car, drivers should also thoroughly examine the history of the vehicle by entering its number plate into one of the many online HPI check services.
These websites allow motorists to check that the vehicle has never been stolen or previously written off, and can also be used to check previous MOT results, which could highlight faults with the vehicle.
Drivers should also be sure to give the car a thorough test drive, listening out for any unusual noises from hidden components, such as the transmission, suspension, and braking system.