There’s nothing like a Christmas feast (stock image) (Image: Getty)
When it comes to the big festive feast, there’s one thing people usually worry about – the turkey.
After all, nobody wants their meat to be dry, tastless – or worse – raw. That’s why it’s essential to pick up as much advice as you can. Luckily, shared her top tip for cooking the perfect festive bird. According to the famed cook, there’s a common mistake people can make that can cause it all to go a bit wrong.
In a video shared by PBS, she said: “My top tip for the perfect roast turkey is not to overcook it. Roast it and, near the end of the cooking time, put a skewer into the thickest part of the thigh, and the juices should run clear.
“When they do, it’s done. Don’t overcook it.”
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The video has gained a lot of attention online since it was shared, with one person saying: “The Queen has spoken.” If you’re going to listen to anyone for festive cooking advice, it should probably be Mary.
When it comes to roasting a turkey, you actually need to calculate the turkey’s cooking time and temperature. Experts say the easiest way to do this is to calculate 13 minutes per pound at 350°F/180°C/Gas Mark 4 for an unstuffed turkey.
This roughly works out at around three hours for a 12lb to 14lb turkey, or 15 minutes per pound for a stuffed turkey. There’s also a secret to keeping it moist.
It’s said if you cover the breast with foil around one hour into roasting, it will help to protect the meat and keep it moist. Make sure you don’t cover it too much though, as this will prevent the skin from getting crispy.
What are your tips and tricks for the perfect turkey?
This is how cooks a turkey crown.
- 2.2kg/4lb 14oz turkey crown
- 2 tsp chopped thyme leaves
- 50g/1¾oz butter, softened
- 2 small oranges, one thinly sliced, one cut in half
- 1-2 tbsp vegetable oil
- Preheat the oven to 200°C/180°C Fan/Gas Mark 6.
- Loosen the skin of the bird by using your fingers to seperate the skin and the meat slightly. Gently move your fingers around while ensuring you don’t damage the skin.
- Combine the thyme leaves with the softened butter until well mixed, and spread the mixture underneath the skin of the bird. Then, place the orange slices in two neat rows under the skin so they lie on top of the butter.
- Take one of the orange halves and place it under the skin at the neck end of the bird. Additionally, put any orange trimmings in the neck cavity.
- Put the turkey in a roasting tray, and top with the oil and some salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for about 1½ to 2 hours, or until the juices run clear when a skewer is inserted into the thickest part. Check the turkey every 30 minutes, and baste throughout cooking.