Jamie Foxx hit by a glass during altercation at his birthday dinner, rep says

Jamie Foxx was injured during an altercation at his birthday dinner, his spokesperson said Saturday.

A spokesperson for Foxx said the actor, who turned 57 on Dec. 13, was “at his birthday dinner when someone from another table threw a glass that hit him in the mouth.”

Foxx received stitches and is currently recovering, the spokesperson said.

“The police were called and the matter is now in law enforcement’s hands,” the statement concluded.

On Friday, Dec. 13, at around 10 p.m., Beverly Hills police responded to a report of a possible assault with a deadly weapon at the restaurant Mr. Chow, authorities said in a statement. Police said the reported assault with a deadly weapon was unfounded upon investigation.

“Instead, the incident involved a physical altercation between parties,” police said in the news release.

No arrests have been made, and police are continuing to investigate the incident, authorities said.

Foxx’s new comedy special, “Jamie Foxx: What Had Happened Was…,” premiered on Netflix Dec. 10. In the feature, the comedian revealed why he was hospitalized last year and unable to remember a 20-day period from April to May 2023.

Foxx explained that he experienced a “brain bleed that led to a stroke.”

Previously Foxx had shared minimal details about what he called in the special his “mystery illness,” including that he had a bad headache before the incident.

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