Sara Sharif’s murder being met with platitudes is enough to make me sick

Sara Sharif

Sara Sharif’s murder calls for far more than platitudes (Image: PA)

If I hear one more sick-making platitude from social services bosses, from useless social workers, from coppers who turned blind eye and from teachers who could have stopped the abuse and maybe the eventual murder of Sara Sharif, I’ll scream.

How dare these people whose major motivation now is covering their own backsides talk about how awful Sara’s death is, how they share the horror of it when they have no bloody idea of the horror this little girl endured.

And all I can do when I hear their pathetic efforts to justify what they DIDN’T do in the last few months of that terrified little girl’s life is to imagine how every hour of every day she lived in hell. Sara must have prayed that someone would come to save her from the monster that was her father and her evil stepmother. But no-one did.

Instead, every day was one of unending torment where she was burned with an iron, tied up, kicked, punched, strangled, beaten over the head with cricket bats and iron poles.

Were all these people just too stupid to see or didn’t they care? Because we now know the police, social services, teachers, the courts all missed 15 opportunities to save Sara.

And what matters to them now isn’t the torture she endured – just how to dodge the blame. One court judge this week banned the naming of another judge who placed Sara back into the care of the father, Urfan Sharif, who eventually killed her. As former children’s commissioner, Dame Vera Bard KC, said: “This is the judiciary protecting the judiciary. It’s appalling we cannot know who was responsible for this extremely damaging order.”

The same court also banned the naming of social workers, experts and guardians who were all supposed to protect Sara. How bloody shameful to abuse the law in this way. If, as we keep being told, this kind of tragedy must never happen again, how can we prevent it if the people responsible are being protected by the judiciary?

We need to know who contributed to Sarah’s agonising end so they can be named, shamed, punished then kicked out of whatever profession they’re in on the basis they’re not fit to do their job. But this anonymity ruling prevents full public scrutiny of those responsible.

Sara’s father had been accused of violence against three ex-partners who, like Sara, were burned, bitten and bruised in a catalogue of cruelty that went back 16 years. So why hadn’t they thrown the book at him?

What about the teachers who saw Sara’s bruises and were concerned she’d started wearing a hijab to school to hide her injuries? Did they confront her parents over their suspicions or were they too worried about religious sensitives?

Yes, they did ring social services who said they could do nothing unless the teachers wrote a formal report. And guess what – they didn’t bother. They just logged their concerns on their own computers.

And what about the flimsy six-day investigation by social workers which concluded there was nothing to see? What about the coppers who were called to Sara’s home and did nothing?

Yes, Sharif and Beinash Batool, murdered Sara, but there are lots of people who facilitated their ability to do so yet now they’re being protected in a way that poor little mite never was.

As for Rachel Wardell, Surrey County Council’s Children’s services boss, claiming that her department is committed to the protection of children when Sara’s death is proof it isn’t. This woman, who was awarded an OBE for “services to children” – a sick joke if ever there was one – has the brass neck to say: “We cannot begin to comprehend the suffering poor Sara endured at the hands of her family.”

Well here’s the thing Rachel – you and your social workers could have comprehended if you’d all just done your job.

Urfan Sharif and Sara’s step-mother, Beinash Batool, were jailed for life this week, although at times like these, I wish there were more serious penalties because life behind bars isn’t enough for what these barbarians did.

I’m betting no one will be sacked over what’s happened to Sara. No one will be punished. Yes, there’ll be a waffly, safeguarding review that will mean beggar all if those who were negligent aren’t punished.

We can’t kid ourselves we live in a civilised society if people, organisations, even the law, do nothing while children like Sara are being tortured to death.

And for all those people who are now ass-covering, I hope their nightmares are haunted by Sara’s smiling face that we know now was hiding unimaginable pain…


, who wants to concrete over Britain’s beautiful countryside to build 1.5 million homes, many for people who shouldn’t even be here, says protections for birds, wildlife and the environment won’t get in the way of her plans. “We can’t have a situation where newts are more protected than people who desperately need housing,” she said.

I’m sorry but newts perform important functions which inadvertently benefit mankind which is a damn sight more than can be said of !


James Corden

James Corden might be miffed at the lack of a hero’s welcome (Image: Getty)

There’s talk that only brought Gavin and Stacey back to our screens this because the hero’s welcome (along with a truckload of work offers) he’d hoped to get here on returning from the States hasn’t materialised.

Not surprising as rumours have dogged Cordon’s career about him being rude, difficult and domineering. Even on-set of the the Gavin and Stacey Christmas Special there have been reported tensions between him and his co-stars.

Maybe the chubby star just got too big for his boots, the result being people here aren’t rushing to work with him? Just goes to prove – all the fame and money in the world don’t matter if you’re a pillock!


Kate Moss

Kate Moss reportedly wants more fun in her life (Image: Getty )

Kate Moss, 50, has dumped her lover of nine years, Count Nikolai Von Bismarck, 37, because friends say she “wants to go out and have some fun”.

Is that celebrity speak for “she’s back on the booze?”


Newcastle University staff have told students not to say “Christmas break” over fears it’ll offend. They’ve also said in new guidance THAT they shouldn’t say “Easter break” either – but instead use Spring Break – because “non-religious terms make the calendar more inclusive”.

No, they don’t. And have these idiot bosses – the same ones who recently told students not to use the words “pet, girls or ladies” – forgotten that Britain is still a Christian country and their efforts to stamp out Christianity says much about THEIR bigotry. Perhaps these bosses should concentrate on giving students the education they’re paying through the nose for instead of telling them how to speak?


Why was Muslim MP Iqbal Mohammed allowed to stand up in the House of Commons and claims that first cousins marrying each other “helps build family bonds”?

What he didn’t say was that it also more than doubles the risk of birth defects in babies from these marriages, and that those defects get cumulatively worse down the generations.

A study of 13,500 babies in Bradford’s Pakistani community a few years ago – where this practice is popular – concluded that marrying a blood relative accounted for nearly ONE-THIRD of all birth defects in babies of Pakistani origin.

We’re told this is a culturally sensitive issue. Well, tough! Because while it might be a cultural practice in Pakistan, it shouldn’t be here – not when it results in hellish defects and often the death of innocent children.

It’s shameful any MP would defend it in our law-making chamber when it’s been proved that babies’ lives are blighted. Even more shameful is that the Labour Party refuses to back this ban on first-cousin marriage. Clearly, they care more about the Muslim vote than they do about kids dying or being born with cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, and hearing and visual disabilities.

Luigi Mangione

The craze over Luigi Mangione is repulsive (Image: Getty)

Is it only me who feels repulsed every time I hear killer Luigi Mangione described as the “hot assassin?”

It’s utterly grotesque for women (and men) to be slavering over this maniac’s “rippling six pack” and his “smouldering good looks” when the devastated family of the man he’s alleged to have shot dead, CEO of United Healthcare Brian Thompson, face Christmas having lost the Father/husband/son they loved.

Yet thousands have joined the accused killer’s fan club and are sporting T-shirts proclaiming: “Mama I’m in love with a criminal”. Sorry, but shooting an unarmed man in the back and running away is not the act of a hot assassin but a cowardly, cold-blooded killer!

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