Couple embracing the zodiac (Image: Getty)
Festive plans proposed by an older relative are too expensive to consider. You’ve already made a Christmas budget and you intend to stay within it. A housemate’s announcement will cause contention in the home. Suggest having a heart to heart talk so everyone gets a chance to air their feelings.
You’re feeling slightly lost and that’s why you need to seek moments of calm whenever possible. Try to avoid falling into negative thought patterns or getting caught up in relationships or arguments that leave you feeling emotionally drained and exhausted.
It’s never easy to set aside your concerns but what you can do now is concentrate on what you are able to manage. Set a small goal and take steps toward that. Also, think about the things you can appreciate in this moment. Remember to acknowledge your own efforts.
If you’re feeling like you’ve taken a wrong turn, pause a while and retrace your steps. As it is, you could be exactly where you need to be as you were never meant to follow the crowd. When you see this, accept this new and different path and continue as before.
If you’re feeling anxious, down or moody, make a point of taking a breather and not getting caught up in the little things. Allow situations to unfold naturally and you may find a nice surprise is waiting for you. Later, a short walk could be just what you need to recharge.
If it feels like you are juggling far too many responsibilities, chances are, you probably are. Don’t feel as if you have no choice in the matter. You do have some control over this situation. Choose to take care of yourself, for instance, and avoid pushing too hard.
Signs of the zodiac (Image: Getty)
Even though you’re happy with the way a joint project begins, you will be even happier with how it ends. Talk new plans through in a calm and logical way. Some people aren’t sure about making changes. Respond to their questions with honesty.
Be careful not to stretch yourself too thin when it comes to helping others. If work has been getting to you, it might be a good idea to think about taking a break. You could also make a start on your festive preparations.
Outstanding issues regarding finances or your job will be resolved. Subtle strategies will help speed up the process. Working behind the scenes can result in some unexpected benefits. Keep your plans quiet from competitors. Focus on the financial aspects of both your work and personal life.
Hands clasping the zodiac (Image: Getty)
You wish you had more time for some private conversations. You want to catch up with a close friend or partner but too many other demands are being placed on you. Are you single and looking for love? Unless you start reducing commitments, you’re unlikely to find romance.
If you’re looking for work or new commissions, approach a large institution like a university, charity or hospital. Festive fundraising events could lead to a lucrative alliance. The plans you discuss today will have long-term possibilities. For a while you may have to work two jobs but this will be no problem for you.
In order to feel you are improving, you need to challenge yourself as well as relying on those around you. You don’t have to shoulder everything alone. Also, give yourself a chance to be imperfect and learn from your errors. Remember, perfection is just a myth.