She Loves Veg says mangelwurzel is something you ‘never knew you needed’ (stock) (Image: Getty)
A expert unveiled the identity of a “mammoth vegetable” that she insists you “never knew you needed” in your life.
While it might sound like a fantastical creation straight out of a Harry Potter movie, user She Loves Veg has introduced the rare mangelwurzel to her followers. Holding the sizeable veg aloft for her audience to witness, the green-fingered guru described it as something that “sits basically in between a beetroot and a sugar beet”.
She elaborated on its taste profile, saying: “Now, because of that, it has the same kind of flavour as beetroot, but it’s less earthy and is sweeter as it’s nearer a sugar beet.” Despite it’s historical popularity, today the mangelwurzel is considered “wildly out of fashion” – a trend She Loves Veg is determined to reverse with the help of social media.
The enthusiastic gardener proclaimed: “We want all of you to grow a mangelwurzel because they’re amazing. Not only do you get roots that weigh a tonne, its leaves are edible too.”
She pointed out unlike beetroot leaves, mangelwurzel leaves can remain in the field much longer, offering an extended harvest time.
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In her caption, she added more context: “Traditionally grown for livestock feed, it’s making a comeback in kitchen gardens for its incredible versatility. Eat it roasted, mashed, or even juiced if you’re feeling adventurous. The greens? Also edible.”
And what’s the best way to enjoy this “delicious” find? She Loves Veg recommends: “Mangelwurzel Tarte Tatin,” praising its ability to caramelise perfectly and pairing wonderfully with feta and walnuts – urging everyone to “get one in your life!”
She Loves Veg closed her post, meanwhile, with an intriguing snippet, revealing: “In the 19th century, mangelwurzel-growing contests were a thing – think giant veg showdowns! And did I mention it stores like a dream, making it a winter staple for both humans and animals.”
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One user responded in jest: “Mangelwhaaat? I must grow one next season!” Another was inspired to cultivate their own crop, commenting: “Saving this for my future veg garden.”
A third user declared in shock: “That would feed a whole village, amazing!” While a touched fourth person remarked: “Well I never! In 51 years I’ve never heard of a mangelwurzel… I like the sound of it though!”
Answering curious queries, She Loves Veg suggested treating the hefty root in the kitchen much like you would the beetroot, adding: “Definitely plenty of recipes out there!” Inquisitive green thumbs can get their hands on seeds via the She Grows Veg .