Milko Marchetti, 56, won Nikon’s Comedy Wildlife photo contest with a slapstick scene of a red squirrel diving into a tree in the photographer’s native Italy in an image called Stuck Squirrel. He said: “It’s the exact moment the squirrel is detaching its back legs from the trunk to enter its hide.”
The brilliant snap is one of 16 you can see here.
And all winning images can be viewed at
Milko Marchetti’s Stuck Squirrel was the overall winner and mammal category winner.
(Image: Milko Marchetti)
Arvind Mohandas’s The Contemplative Chimpanzee.
(Image: Arvind Mohandas)
Ralph Robinson’s Gang of Four
(Image: Ralph Robinson)
Marti Phillips’ Are You Kidding
(Image: Marti Phillips)
Randy Herman’s You’re Not My Mother
(Image: Randy_Herman)