Your favourite Pokemon says a lot about you (Image: Nintendo)
Your favourite Pokémon can reveal more about you than you might expect.
Whether you were trading cards as a child, glued to the TV show, or still find yourself engrossed in the video game series, has left its mark on legions of fans across the globe – and everyone has their top pick.
With each new game release, a fresh batch of pocket monsters emerges to steal our hearts and jostle for the position of new favourite. Yet for many, nothing beats the nostalgia of the very first Pokémon that captured their affection.
This usually stems from your initial encounter with the franchise, be it the starter chosen in your inaugural game or a Pokémon that Ash and his pals encountered on the telly.
But did you realise that your preferred Pokémon might disclose hidden facets of your character? That’s the assertion made by one woman in a video, where she professes a greater interest in individuals’ choice of Pokémon over their astrological sign.
Tawny Platis took to to divulge what she perceives to be the shared personality traits of people based on their cherished Pokémon, covering fan favourites like Pikachu, Eevee, and Charizard.
She kicked off her analysis by describing Pikachu fans as those who “still write handwritten thank you notes and bring cupcakes to work”, suggesting they radiate “big ‘please love me’ energy” and are perpetually striving to lift spirits. Nonetheless, she pointed out that these fans might exhibit a spiteful side if someone “steals your charger”.
Fans of the fiery Charizard “live for being the centre of attention” and are always on the brink of going overboard, while those who adore the cute Eevee are prone to “change career or hairstyle every six months” as they believe they “could be good at anything” if they didn’t lose interest halfway through.
Much like Jigglypuff, known for their love of singing, fans of this pink circular Pokémon “always insist on picking the music during road trips”. If they don’t get their way, they resort to the silent treatment and are most likely to have “main character syndrome” – but they often get away with their antics because they’re “adorable”.
Tawny described Mewtwo enthusiasts as people who crave event invitations even if they never attend, while Squirtle lovers are so relaxed it’s “almost concerning”. Those who favour the grass starter Bulbasaur are considered “low maintenance” and the “mum” of the group.
Lastly, Gengar, the ghost-type Pokémon, is a favourite for many, and according to Tawny, if this is you, you’re the “master of mischief”.
Fans of this pocket monster will “convince everyone to get into trouble” and enjoy “stirring the pot”. Commenters on the video were quick to list other Pokémon that Tawny didn’t mention, with Vulpix, Psyduck, Mareep, and Mimikyu being popular choices that didn’t get featured.
Others whose favourite was mentioned noted that Tawny wasn’t far off with her assumptions.
One individual confessed, “Me and my Eevee tattoos feel called out,” while another chimed in with equal fervour: “Bulbasaur is my favourite and this describes me perfectly.”