The French and the Italians are siding with the Spanish over the issue (Image: Getty)
has been split by proposed new restictions on fishing. Officials have said that they plan to reduce fishing days in the Mediterranean, and fishermen have gone out on strike against the move.
Spain, and reject the change to the quota proposed by the . minister Luis Planas says the policy would make fishing activity in the sea “unviable”.
The EU wants to decrease the number of days by 79%, which officials hope would improve and protect the habitat’s biodiversity.
that, after the first bilateral meetings with the European Commission between the three countries resistant to the plan, the EU will make a new proposal on Tuesday and, from there, the negotiation will intensify.
Spanish fishermen have protested against the decision (Image: Getty)
It has been reported the neither France, Spain nor Italy sees a problem in adding another member state to the no vote to form a blocking minority in the Agriculture and Fisheries Council.
New quotas for the coming year are being negotiated by the body.
Nevertheless, Mr Planas has said that he is confident that an agreement could be reached.
It comes as fishermen in Spain began a two-day strike yesterday in protest to the cuts.
Thousands gathered on Monday in front of the European Commission headquarters in Madrid to demonstrate.
One protester : “This is the death that has been foretold. If the people who make the laws decide tomorrow that we only get 27 days, the fishing industry will be finished.”
Another said: “We will try to extend the strike to Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, whatever it takes. Because really, 27 days. Many ships won’t even be able to start working.”
Representatives of Spanish fishermen, PECA ESPAÑA, have condemned the plan, calling it a “death sentence”. The body added that the policy could result in the loss of around 17,000 jobs.
In addition, PECA ESPAÑA has warned that around 556 trawling vessels operating along the affected coastline would disappear.