Cheese ‘lasts up to several months’ after Christmas if stored using expert tip

Cheese board

Cheese ‘lasts up to several months’ after Christmas if stored using expert tip (Image: Getty)

The festive season is often filled with delicious treats, and one of the most popular starters to enjoy on Day is the classic board.

Whether you’re hosting a family gathering or simply enjoying a quiet celebration, cheese is always a hit with those who enjoy a savoury snack.

However, to ensure your selection of cheeses stays fresh and full of flavour, it’s essential to them correctly.

Vlatka Lake, a storage expert at self-storage operator , has shared some expert tips on how to preserve your cheeses during the holiday season and beyond.

To begin, “most cheeses are best stored in the fridge at around 1–7°C,” Vlatka exclusively told .

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Slices of cheese, grape and walnuts on a cheese board

One of the most popular starters to enjoy on Christmas Day is the classic cheese board (Image: Getty)

However, she explains that harder cheeses, such as Cheddar and Parmesan, are more resilient and “can tolerate slightly warmer conditions and, when stored correctly, can last for several months.” For these cheeses, a slightly warmer spot in the fridge or a cheese drawer should suffice.

When it comes to fresh cheeses like mozzarella, ricotta, and feta, it’s important to store them in the cooler sections of your fridge, such as the vegetable drawer, to prevent them from spoiling too quickly.

“These tend to go bad the quickest when exposed to higher temperatures,” Vlatka warned. “When stored this way, they should remain fresh for up to two weeks.”

Many fresh cheeses also come coated in brine, which helps extend their shelf-life, so make sure you don’t drain this before storing.

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Assorted cheeses in portions Buffet meal Traditional French culture

Cheese is always a hit with those who enjoy a savoury snack (Image: Getty)

For proper packaging, Vlatka advises that “most cheeses you purchase from a supermarket or deli come wrapped in waxed paper. This packaging is specifically designed to allow your cheese to breathe and prevent sweating.

If you don’t have the original packaging, she recommends using kitchen foil, especially for blue cheeses, as it helps maintain their freshness.

“An effective substitute is kitchen foil, which works particularly well for blue cheeses,” Vlatka, while on the other hand, cling film is a poor choice for storing cheese.

Vlatka pointed out: “It’s important to note, however, that cling film is one of the worst ways to wrap cheese, as it traps moisture, which can make your cheese slimy.”

For those looking to take extra care of their cheese, storing it in a sealed container can be a great option.

As Vlatka explained: “You may also want to consider enclosing your cheese in a sealed tupperware box. This will prevent any smells being absorbed or emitted by your cheese and overpowering your fridge, especially if your cheese has already been opened.”

If you’re really looking to extend the freshness of your cheese, the storage pro shared an additional tip: “If you want to go the extra mile to care for your cheese, a proven trick for keeping excess sweat and moisture at bay is to place a sugar cube into your tupperware box. This will help absorb any moisture and keep your cheese fresh for longer.”

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