If you have four illegal tyres, it could result in a £10,000 fine and 12 points (Image: Getty)
could be slapped with thousands of pounds worth of fines and penalty points for an easily avoided mistake that could cost just 20p to check.
Tyres worn below the legal limit could leave drivers up to £10,000 worse off if all four do not meet the standards required.
The tread depth limit required by law in the UK is 1.6mm across the central three-quarters of the tyre and around its entire circumference. Each tyre would result in a £2,500 fine, three penalty points and potential disqualification.
But a quick and easy method of testing if your tyres tread depth is within legal limits is by using a .
Simply insert the coin into the tread – if the outer band of the coin is visible, your tread is likely below 3mm and nearing the legal limit.
Each illegal tyre would result in a £2,500 fine, 3 penalty points and potential disqualification. (Image: Getty)
Marc Porcar, CEO of QR Code Generator, warns of the consequences that drivers could face.
He says: “This applies to cars, vans, and light trailers.
“You could face a fine of up to £2,500 per tyre that doesn’t meet the legal standard and three penalty points per tyre below the legal tread depth.
“This means that if you have four illegal tyres, it could result in a £10,000 fine and 12 points, potentially leading to disqualification.
“Tyres with low tread depth are less effective at gripping the road, especially in wet conditions and the tyre’s ability to channel water away is compromised, increasing the risk of losing control.”
There are also other risks associated with balding tyres, as the car expert sets out.
He said: “Worn tyres also increase braking distances, increasing the risk of accidents.
“If you are involved in an accident and your tyres are found to be under the legal requirement, your insurance claim may be denied, leaving you liable for damages.”
As well as the 20p hack, a more accurate measurement for the tyres is by the use of a tread depth gauge.
Check the built-in tread wear indicators on the tyre, which are small, raised bars in the grooves of the tyre. If they’re flush with the tread, it’s time for a replacement.