experts have issued a warning for those with bird feeders (Image: Getty)
Bird baths and feeders are necessary for the health of wildlife, especially with the , which makes them even more important.
However, experts have revealed that it is important to be aware of where you are placing the for this one particular reason.
Fresh water and foods high in fat can keep birds warm, but Gardeners World has shared that the placing of feeders should be carefully considered in order to keep pests away.
Bird feeders should be hung near roses to bring in hungry birds who will also get rid of “overwintering pests.” Total Bird Control says often invade gardens in search of food left for birds, reports
It says: “Seeing wild birds in the garden is one of life’s pleasures and, of course, by feeding them we are helping to protect the natural world. At Christmas in particular bird feeding gifts become popular, with festive designs available and even bird food ‘wreaths’.
“However, when feeding the birds it pays to consider how to avoid attracting pests into your garden, such as rats or infestations of pigeons.”
To achieve the right balance, the RSPB advises people to provide enough food for one day only. This approach prevents other animals from accessing leftover food. Additionally, the website recommends keeping bird food off the ground.
It adds: “In the same vein it is wise to avoid throwing food for birds on the floor as this attracts pests. Seed trays at the bottom of feeders help to stop waste being spilt on the floor while hulled seeds also cut down the possibility of food reaching the floor.”
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bird feeders should be filled for just one day (Image: Getty)
The website also warned of the issue of pigeons getting access to bird feeders, stating that “pigeons are so much bigger than most wild birds, smaller feeders can prevent them accessing food.” However, it did provide the necessary information to deal with the problem.
It said: “Hanging feeders with smaller mesh should work to prevent pigeons – just be aware of what falls on the floor and, if necessary, put a secondary measure in place.”
In winter, it is recommended that bird feeders should be packed with foods high in fat, such as cheese or balls of cooked rice.