could be set to welcome back another familiar face as jungle veteran Gillian McKeith wants another go.
She’s already been a contestant in the show twice – first in 2010, when her fainting antics took the UK by storm – and again in 2023 for the All Stars version of the show in South Africa.
Now, though, Gillian wants to try something a bit different – and replace Joel Dommett as host of the extra show I’m A Celeb Unpacked.
Writing exclusively for, Gillian explained: “Joel is lovely and friendly. I just did an interview with Joel for the Unpacked Show. He is fun and I had a good time on the show.
“However, the ideal person going forward to host has to be ME. It would make sense to have the most iconic campmate ever and two time jungle inmate to be the host or at the very least co-host with Joel. That is what the public wants to see. At least that’s what everyone tells me everywhere I go. Watch this space for 2025.”
Don’t miss…
Gillian McKeith wants to return to the jungle (Image: Getty)
But Gillian admits she was “totally grossed out” by the food offerings in camp when she was a contestant – perhaps it’s best she stays on the presenting side.
She said: “the meals won with the stars are pretty diabolical. Imagine going through terror and horror, winning 12 stars and you are presented with slimy octopus and a tiny, meagre selection of vegetables, almost not even enough roughage to make you go!!
“Probably just as well as the dunny stinks to the high heavens. Some of the food offerings are a total turn off. Was it worth the effort… NO! Their faces said it all and the octopus offering… total disappointment.
Gillian McKeith has offered her opinion (Image: ITV)
“That’s one of the weirdest things about the jungle. They deliver the oddest meat cuts: tails, feet and goodness what else. Who wants to eat possum or crocodile feet, creepy meat cuts to totally gross you out…? That’s the type of thing that was on offer when I was in the jungle.
“It is just too culturally different. The portions never made any sense to me either during my time. You could win 10 stars and end up with less food than when you win seven stars. The I’m A Celeb crash diet sheds the pounds even when you don’t need to lose any weight.”