Barclays has issued a warning about when funds are paid back into accounts (Image: Getty)
has explained an important rule in response to a customer was having an issue accessing their cash.
The unhappy customer said over X: “I just used a cash point and the money never came out, is there any out of hours service?”
The bank responded to say the issue should soon be corrected. Barclays said: “If the money didn’t dispense, but it’s showing as being deducted from your balance, check again tomorrow morning, the ATM will balance itself overnight and then essentially realise the mistake and send the money back to you.”
Barclays customers can take out cash at any cash machine with the Visa or Plus logo with their debit card. If you have a cash card, you will need to use a Barclays cash machine.
There are some withdrawal limits depending on your account but these can be changed for some debit cards in the Barclays app.
The withdrawal limits include:
- Personal current accounts (including Cash Card accounts) – up to £300 a day, but you can arrange your daily limit from £0 to £500
- Premier – up to £1,000 a day, but your daily limit can range from £0 to £2,000
- Business – up to £750 a day (fixed)
- Cash card (youth) – up to £50 a day, but you can set your daily limit from £0 to £50.
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Barclays warns that some cash machines “might charge a fee” or have their own withdrawal limit.
The group : “If you want to take out a large amount, you might need to make more than one transaction to get the amount you need – this includes at Post Office counters and shop checkouts.
“You can take out the whole amount in one go at the self-service machines or counter in our branches.”
Barclays around the information it has to gather from customers for tax purposes, after a grandparent was frustrated that the bank was asking for details about their young granddaughter for her ISA.
The bank said: “We’re obliged under tax regulation by law to record tax residency info for all of our customers, including minors, even if they aren’t required to pay tax.”