Keir Starmer has proven he’s a busted flush (Image: PA)
Starmer’s reset, relaunch, whatever he wants to call it was nothing of the sort. It was much like the man himself – full of waffle and blather and nonsense all sandwiched in between patronising platitudes and promises we know he’ll never keep!
After just five months in government, it confirmed he’s already a busted flush, incapable of running a country and without a doubt the worst PM in the last 50 years. The man’s bereft of ideas and, having seen what he’s done to Britain in just five months, no-one is buying a word he says any more.
I look at him now and he literally gives me the creeps. Just watching him turn on the Downing Street lights this week was cringe making. Again at Pinewood studios where he made his reset speech (and where James Bond was filmed) he cracked a joke about how he could be the next 007 Bond. Seriously? Has there ever been a man farther away from being James Bond than Sir ?
And it would be OK to laugh at him if he didn’t have his cack hands all over the future of this country which is already crumbling under his hopeless leadership.
After just five months in Government, there should never have been the need for a reset so why did he do it when it’s clear that everyone but him saw this as testament to his abject failure so far. And it’s a mark of his stupidity that he didn’t understand that’s how we’d all see it. All this “reset” did was confirm in people’s minds how hopeless he is and how he never did have a plan for this country.
And how could he not talk about immigration, THE number one concern of British voters. He barely gave a nod to it and refused to put a cap on it clearly because he knows he has no plan to stop the boats.
This relaunch was about him wanting to start again, not realising that we aren’t going to let him because we’ve seen how he, and his wet-behind-the-ears cabinet, operate and we can’t unsee it. Or forget it. We can’t forget how they lack judgement and compassion, that not only do they have no clue what British people want and need, they actually don’t care or like us very much.
The reset couldn’t ever work, not after his catastrophic budget and the fact that the is going to take a £10billion hit because of it and there’ll likely be 125,000 jobs losses. Every business in this county hates him because of his NI tax rises, the blames his budget for the fact are going to stay high, and he’s alienated every farmer and every pensioner in the land.
That’s not taking into account Freebiegate, Sue Gray and the fact he had a convicted fraudster as his Transport Secretary. Listening to all his pompous promises this week, his silly mission statements and his lofty talk (again) about “fixing the foundations”, all I could think was “That’s half an hour of my life I’ll never get back”.
He laughingly called it the “most ambitious plan for government in a generation” which is farcical (remember him previously babbling on about the “seven pillars of growth” and his “five missions”). This was all just more flannel and waffle and a watering down of the promises he made before the election.
And all his so-called “milestones” (his new buzz word) amounted to were a few more houses (which he’ll fail to build), getting NHS waiting lists down (which every PM promises) and ensuring three quarters of five-years-old are school-ready. He also said he wanted to put money into the pockets of working people (without saying how) and he said he wanted to cut immigration – but didn’t say how.
He didn’t talk about the 2.8 million on sickness benefits or about the nine million who are economically inactive, nor about cutting benefits.
Starmer’s done for. We know and surely he must by now. Trouble is, over the next five years as this country literally burns, he’ll still be blathering on about what he wants to do having done nothing except wreck an entire country.
There’s talk that bosses are thinking about a total re-boot of the show which would mean not just dumping the odious , but also the lovely because of the fact that for years he was witness to Wallace’s alleged awful behaviour and, with some, that may count against him.
Presumably these are the same bosses who’d had been told time and again about Wallace’s alleged appalling behaviour and had even had complaints. But they did nothing because the show was a big money maker and they didn’t want to rock the boat. They chose to ignore the concerns of young women who’d been allegedly upset and harassed by Wallace and chose instead to cosset and protect their vulgar star.
So will the bosses, if they did wilfully left those young women in harm’s way, be sacrificed on the same altar that Torode might be? They damn well should be. Because they had the power to sack Wallace – Torode did not.
Yes, maybe Torode should have made a bigger stink with the and MasterChef bosses but, if it is true that poor women were ignored, it’s likely Torode would have been told to butt-out too. But why should his job be in danger because of what Wallace did and because of what MasterChef bosses did NOT do?
Jennifer Lawrence’s face says it all! (Image: Getty)
While most women would put on a show in the last few weeks of pregnancy – no matter how hellish they feel – superstar Jennifer Lawrence turned up at the Women in Entertainment Gala in Beverley Hills sporting a look on her face that said: “Please God let this soon be over.”
Words are precious so I wont waste many on Michelle Barnier but, I’ll admit, I cracked open a bottle of prosecco when this bully, who humiliated and tried to wreck Britain over , was kicked out as France’s PM after just three months – which hasn’t just humiliated him and destroyed his political career, but earned him the reputation of being the shortest serving PM in French history.
Now the government has collapsed and the skunk who caused it will be consigned to obscurity which is nothing less than he deserves. As for his -bashing mate Macron, he’s also French toast. Isn’t revenge sweet?
Why is Kier Starmer giving a peerage to Sue Gray – the greedy, demanding traitorous woman who caused nothing but dissent and chaos in his government? It can only be because she knows where the bodies are buried and he’s praying a nice cosy seat in the Lords will keep her quiet.
Lottie Moss is having another whinge (Image: WireImage)
Model and OnlyFans stripper, Lottie Moss, is moaning again – this time about the fact she can’t find a boyfriend because her fame puts blokes off. This woman has had so many of life’s advantages thrown her way thanks to her half sister Kate and yet still she ends up taking her clothes for money. “It’s not always easy to find someone because of who I am and what I do,” she wails.
So stop doing it, you silly mare. Put your clothes back on, get a proper job and stop moaning!
Tulisa says she jetted straight home having been booted out of the jungle to focus on guess what… her mental health.
She missed the filming of the after show and she’ll miss tomorrow’s final (where she could have supported her mates). She’s denied rumours she fled because of a screaming match with her bestie, Michelle Mckenna, the woman she’d tasked with putting up her Insta posts while she was in the jungle.
She insists it was all to do with her “struggle” with her mental health. So why go into the jungle if she was struggling? Or was the big fat fee and the public profile more important?
Funny isn’t it that the phrase “mental health” has become a get out for almost every eventuality – rows, stroppiness, upsets, bad behaviour? And the beauty of it is it can’t be challenged…
Dark chocolate can protect against Type 2 diabetes and maybe even strokes, says a new study. It says people who eat three squares five times a week are 21% less likely to develop diabetes – a condition suffered by four million Brits.
I don’t care whether it’s true or not – I’m going for it. In fact to keep myself super healthy I’m going to eat TEN squares a day, SEVEN days a week.
Soppy civil servants on the frontline of tackling the small-boats crisis are to be given their own ‘well-being room’ in case they feel stressed or anxious processing cases. I’m surprised there’s any need for a room as most of them are working from home. But seriously – how wet are these people?
They live charmed, cosseted lives on bloated wages paid by us yet they need a lie down and a bit of counselling when they have to even think about people who don’t.