Celebrations tubs of chocolates have ‘got smaller,’ according to social media users. (Image: Matt Gilley/PlymouthLive)
Outrage has been sparked by a reduction in the size of tubes of Celebrations chocolates. Critics have suggested that Christmas is being stolen and that the product is not worth buying anymore.
The Irish musician criticised Mars Wrigley on his account for the shrinkage – from 600g to 550g.
He said: “Stop f****** making the sweets smaller. They’ve reduced it to 550g. That won’t even get me f****** started. You wouldn’t even make a sick with that much chocolate.”
He then clarified that this would make a dog sick, the .
He then accused the company of ‘shrinkflation’, lamenting: “Shrinkflation, you are stealing from the common man.”
Tubs of celebrations are an iconic part of Christmas. (Image: Publicity photo)
On , one customer said in a review of the product: “Tub has got even smaller, 550g from 650g, in 10 years time we will probably get 250g in a tub. Lol.”
Another person said: “Very poor value for money. Tub gets smaller, price gets bigger!”
A different critic wrote: “Bought these a few times from Tesco but again 50g less same weight as large pack of bacci. So from 650g to 600g now 550g and same price unless you buy it on offer. Taste is not always that good either on some.”
One person wrote: “Not worth it anymore, I’ve bought a tub and it is a joke !! I don’t think I’m buying these anymore..”
“How many times are Celebrations going to drop ANOTHER 50g,” another comment read, “but stay at the same price! This just happened, and now again! Half the tub is fresh air. At full price they are seriously not worth it anymore.”
However, another customer commented: “Great price for the amount you get.”
A different commenter said simply: “Good choice.”
Mars Wrigley, UK spokesperson, said the company has been “actively trying to find ways to absorb the rising costs of raw materials and operations” because they are aware that the ” has impacted both consumers and businesses across the UK”.
They added: “Unfortunately, the growing pressures mean that more needs to be done. Reducing the size of our products is not a decision we have taken lightly but it is necessary for shoppers to still be able to enjoy their favourite Celebrations treats without compromising on quality or taste.”
The firm also said that it has identified solutions to lower environmental impact. That means, in addition to removing sweets, Mars Wrigley has had to shrink the tub itself so they can “reduce the plastic used in the packaging by 17%”
But it added that “pricing is at the sole discretion of the retailer”.