Horoscope: Astrologer says two star signs will have ‘unexpected successes’ in December (Image: Getty)
The year’s final month may seem like the end of a chapter in many ways, but an , the , signals the start of something new.
Speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk in collaboration with Slingo, Inbaal said: “December is the month of the Winter Solstice, which takes place when Sagittarius season changes into Capricorn season, on December 21.
“Both and will have quite an exciting month because there are two new moons this month – on the first day, the new moon is in Sagittarius, and on December 30, the new moon is in Capricorn.
“It means both those signs will experience new beginnings, opportunities galore, and unexpected successes in December. The Winter Solstice day will be important for the fiery sign of , as they are governed by the Sun.
“On this day, nights become shorter, days grow longer, and the Sun is reborn. From December 21 onwards, Leo will feel stronger, brighter, and more focused.”
The Winter Solstice marks the shortest day of the year (Image: Getty)
Sagittarius – November 22 to December 21
Happy Sagittarius season! This Sagittarius season is a bit of a mixed blessing because it is your special time of year; the new moon is in Sagittarius, blowing the winds of change and promising new adventures. But on the other hand, Mercury retrograde is in Sagittarius as well. Until December 15, this retrograde will be taking place in your sign, which means that you can’t know whether any of your planned adventures will happen until the last moment, as the Mercury retrograde loves to change plans at the final minute. Thankfully, you think on your feet, so the mix-ups could constitute an adventure in themselves.
Capricorn – December 22 to January 19
Following the Winter Solstice, on December 21, Capricorn season will start, and as always, in Capricorn season, we will enjoy a Capricorn new moon – this year, it will be on December 30. It is the second new moon of the month, called the Black Moon. Since the new moon represents an opportunity for a fresh start, it is notable that we’ve got two of them this December. The second one, the rare one, is in your sign, so you’ve got a rare opportunity to start something unexpected. A friend may call you to join a challenge, co-host a podcast, or you could generate a genius business idea.
Aquarius: January 20 to February 18
Venus, the planet of love, will go into your sign from December 7 onwards, Aquarius. This will bring more romance into your life, ready or not. Until December 15, during the Mercury retrograde, this will likely be an ex trying to get back in touch. After the 15th, it could be anyone. You’ll be popular, sought after and adored. Normally, you don’t enjoy excessive attention, so excess of romantic attention might not be the best news for you – transmute the energy of Venus into self-love, and enjoy this Venus in Aquarius in the forms of self-care and comforting alone time.
Pisces – February 19 to March 20
December 9 is a day that dreams come true for Pisces in 2024. On this date, the moon is in Pisces – the moon is linked with illusions and dreams, and you’ll have your life goals at the forefront of your mind. On the same day, Neptune, your ruling planet, is also in Pisces and moves very close to the moon, supercharging it. To add to the party, Mars forms a favourable angle with the moon. Mars is a planet of courage and drive, giving you the strength to achieve your happiest ending.”
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Many people gather at Stonehenge for the Winter Solstice (Image: Getty)
Aries – March 21 to April 19
From December 6 until January 6, Mars is retrograde in Leo. Mars is your ruling planet, so this retrograde will noticeably impact you, Aries. You’re a fiery and bouncy sign, and Mars is a fiery planet, so the connection is easy to spot – when Mars is retrograde, your boundless energy hits a snag. You’ll get tired earlier and won’t be able to argue with anyone. Since this retrograde takes place in proud Leo, you’ll be a little worried in case anyone notices your lowered energy, but Leo is fantastic at keeping up appearances, so you can rest up and still appear upbeat.
Taurus – April 20 to May 20
Your ruling planet is Venus, the planet of love, and in December, it passes through two-star signs. Until December 7, it is in the sensible sign of Capricorn, meaning you’ll feel grounded, focused and interested in business. You’ll be thinking of a promotion or a career shift. After December 7, Venus moves into the kind and considerate sign of Aquarius. During those weeks, you’ll feel like you want to help others and take an active interest in volunteering for the needy, perhaps in a soup kitchen or bringing joy to kids spending the holiday season in the hospital.
Gemini – May 21 to June 21
This month’s Mercury retrograde will hit you right where it hurts – in the parties. Mercury is your astrological ruling planet, so when it goes retrograde, life becomes more awkward, with more misunderstandings and uncomfortable moments. You’re quite the party animal, so your awkward moments will be in public. Remember how charming you are and how you appear like the life and soul, even when feeling ‘meh’. This Mercury retrograde is in Sagittarius, an adventurous sign that loves to travel; trips away may run into issues – do make sure you have a plan B.
Cancer – June 21 to July 22
Your heavenly ruler is the sensitive Moon, Cancer, so this month will feel special to you. Two new moons in one month is a rare occurrence, and this month, we’ve got a new moon in Sagittarius on the first of the month and a new moon in Capricorn on December 30. New moons are linked with new opportunities, so you could turn over a new leaf twice this month – such as two interviews for a coveted role or two meetings with someone who can improve your life. Keep saying yes to opportunities.
Leo – July 23 to August 22
This December, you feel a little low-key for two reasons, Leo. First and foremost, every December draws towards the shortest day of the year, the Winter Solstice on December 21. Since your heavenly ruler is the Sun, you are solar-powered, so the shorter days leave you feeling a little flat. In addition, from December 6, the fiery planet Mars is retrograde in Leo. Mars is the planet of courage and strength, and when it goes retrograde, it can impact your energy levels. Get ready for a quieter December and say ‘yes’ only to the most exquisite seasonal invitations, remembering to turn down anyone who drains your energy.
Virgo – August 23 to September 22
As Mercury is your planetary ruler, you tend to feel the effects of each Mercury retrograde quite strongly, Virgo. Whenever this planet, which governs communication, happens to go retrograde, you find that your carefully planned day becomes a lot more spontaneous. Since this Mercury retrograde is in adventurous Sagittarius, those spontaneous moments will be more intense. A simple trip to get milk could turn into a visit to a theme park, and a phone call to the cousins could catch them while they’re in a snowstorm. Expect the unexpected until December 15, when the Mercury retrograde is over.
Libra – September 23 to October 22
You’re a sign that loves balance and harmony, Libra. A little bit of this, and a little bit of that – never too much. This month, you’ve got a lovely balance of business and pleasure. Until December 7, your ruling planet Venus is in business-minded Capricorn, so you’re focused on work and career. Then, the planet moves to the selfless sign of Aquarius, which is an air sign like you. This means you’ll be thinking about others as the festive season draws near and looking to donate and support wherever you can.
Scorpio – October 23 to November 21
You’re one of the few signs that has two ruling planets, Scorpio. Your traditional ruling planet is fiery Mars, which speaks to your intense nature, heightened temperament, passion, and zest for life. And your modern ruler is Pluto, the planet of rebirth, which resonates with your love of transformation and versatility. For the whole of December, those two planets are facing off, opposite each other in the sky. Mars is in fiery Leo, and Pluto is in individualistic Aquarius, so you yourself are two opposites all month. On the one hand, you want to be the life and soul of every party; on the other, you want to hide away or volunteer in a dog shelter. When you ask yourself, ‘which one am I?’, do let yourself know it’s cool to be both.