This week, viewers are set to be on the edge of their seats as April Windsor faces a perilous situation, being held at the brink of a multi-storey car park by the merciless boxing promoter Jade. Ross Barton, portrayed by Michael Parr, is putting his punch to use once more as he attempts to save her.
Parr, who marked his return to the soap after six years just a few weeks prior, plunged right back into action with a narrative revolving around bare-knuckle .
The tension is ramping up in the dramatic scenes at the car park, which holds tragic significance for April’s mother Donna also Ross’ former partner who committed suicide there a decade ago. While the storyline is keeping fans glued to their , it’s hard to overlook Michael’s chiselled form during the fight sequences.
However, not long ago, an incapacitating back injury left Michael, who had ventured to the US in search of new opportunities, bedridden and dreading for his career. This was compounded by a severe scare with what was suspected to be Legionnaire’s disease, a condition that proves fatal in 10% of cases, reports .
Emmerdale star Mike Parr was left bedridden following an accident (Image: ITV)
Michael, 38, known for his role on from 2013 to 2018, said: “If you can’t move you can’t act. To go from that to where I am now seems like a miracle.”
The irony lies in the fact that Michael’s attempt to maintain fitness led to his injury; he compressed a nerve and severely injured a disc in his lower back while training at the gym. Explaining the ordeal, he confessed: “It was terrifying; it was by far the worst pain I’ve felt in my entire life. The injury froze me and I couldn’t move,” recounting how the injury confined him to his bed and hindered even his breathing.
“My immediate thought was that I was going to be like that for the rest of my life,” he revealed, recalling the terror that gripped him after being unable to walk for a week. “The panic really set in that I’d done myself some permanent damage.”
His recovery from the injury was still underway when he found himself battling suspected Legionnaires’ disease during a film shoot with Bollywood’s finest in India. After being discovered by a colleague in a state of delirium and hallucination in his hotel room, he was immediately taken to the hospital.
Michael is enjoying being back on the soap (Image: -)
“I dropped about 20lb in four days and my cheekbones were starting to protrude,” he described the alarming physical effects. “I’d been in my room hallucinating for four days. I didn’t know what was going on. I was delirious. I’m a massive chess player and I was so out of it I kept thinking I was a chess piece.”
As dehydration took a serious toll, he recounted how doctors administered electrolytes, which unfortunately made him ill, necessitating the use of a drip. “Being taken to hospital in a foreign country is always scary, but especially when you can’t communicate with the doctors,” he shared concerning his harrowing experience.
Growing up in St Helens, Merseyside, Michael had always been passionate about fitness. Alongside playing football and basketball, he started weight training as a teenager, inspired by his grandfather’s back injury, and also got deeply involved with martial arts at drama school.
Determined to recover, he said, “Following the injury, I went to see orthopaedic doctors and physios. I went for acupuncture and cupping and I began walking again. I tried absolutely everything. I wanted to get back on my feet as soon as possible.”
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still get nervous if I feel a little pain in my back, but as I approach 40, I no longer put my body through the punishment that I used to. You only get one body so you’d better look after it.”
He was left ‘frozen’ following the accident (Image: INSTAGARM)
“I used to train really hard at the gym, but I tailor my work outs now. I’ve quit lifting heavy weights and I now do a lot of yoga and stretching.”
His physical condition has been crucial for his latest bare-knuckle fighting plotline, which spirals into him being falsely accused by Jade of stealing £10k, followed by threats against his family to recover the money. The tension escalates when April Windsor (Amelia Flanagan) is abducted, prompting him to launch a daring rescue.
Having previously scooped awards for Best Actor, Best Villain, and Sexiest Male during his time on , he’s thrilled to be at the heart of the action once again with his dramatic return. Regarding his return to , he shares: “I had a play lined up and then called and asked if I was interested. I chatted with them and got excited about the story.”
He’s gearing up for more chaos and capers as the charming rogue Ross. “I don’t know if Ross is a good person trying to be bad, or a bad person trying to be good,” he contemplates. “Either way, he’s the complete opposite of me – that’s why he’s so much fun to play.”