Couple embracing the zodiac (Image: Getty)
Making your way through a pile of endless tasks isn’t your favourite way to spend the day. it might feel as if some jobs will never end. The thought of leaving the tediousness behind will keep you going until it is all over. There are some responsibilities you will not return to in a hurry.
Don’t be discouraged by minor irritations that seem to be stopping you from getting on with your usual routine or experimenting with new ideas. If someone keeps objecting to your plans, being willing to answer their annoying questions is one way to persuade them around to your point of view.
Stay open-minded if someone changes plans at the last minute or reneges on an agreement you thought was set in stone. It’s disheartening to realise a new friend or partner isn’t as reliable as you had thought but it is best to discover this now rather than later when it’ll be more difficult to sever ties with them.
A younger housemate knows they have upset you and they will try to make amends. Set aside any hard feelings you have and think about how you might improve the situation between you. Instead of arguing, you should be looking at how to develop relationships in the home more positively.
New opportunities have emerged and this will be something you did not anticipate. Because of this you could be looking at commitments made in the past that are becoming increasingly troublesome. This is the starting point for the positive changes that are coming your way.
You’re aware of someone who seems to be caught up in a series of unfair situations and difficult communications. Normally you would be inclined to help them out but when you see how many friends and colleagues are already rallying around them, you might decide they will be just fine without your help.
Signs of the zodiac (Image: Getty)
Someone you work or live with is starting to annoy you. Stay calm even if this annoying situation is making you irritable and your patience is wearing thin. A number of people can sense the tension that’s in the air but to avoid confrontation you need to keep your feelings to yourself.
Taking part in activities that are important to your partner can help avoid unnecessary tension. You will be demonstrating your interest in their life by showing them that you understand their goals. Besides, they’re happy to make a big effort and you won’t feel too exhausted because you’re working so well together.
You are the only one who should decide on how much money to spend on Christmas gifts and treats. If your partner is trying to control your financial decisions, this is going to feel quite stifling. Use this chance to stand up for yourself or explore ways to harmonise your perspectives.
Hands clasping the zodiac (Image: Getty)
Expect there to be great teamwork within the family as you start working on a home improvement project you’ve been discussing recently. At last you are going to see these ideas taking shape and once everything is set in motion, you will be prepared for the hard work that’s to come.
You have turned down some exciting opportunities in the past for fear they would throw you off balance. Now is the perfect moment to take a breather and escape your usual routine. While your determination to get on with the job has helped you achieve much, you now need change and excitement.
You’re craving some excitement. Enjoying the outdoors with friends will be a wonderful way to release any pent-up energy. A new sport or hobby will enhance your social life. Although this might be a big departure from your everyday routines, you may want to commit to getting outside more in the days to come.