Preparing your windscreen with an onion could help beat the morning rush to defrost your car (Image: GETTY)
Brits can say goodbye to the dreaded winter ritual of scraping ice off their windscreens, a task that, if not done properly, can land one hefty fines and make the roads more dangerous, thanks to a surprisingly simple hack.
The experts at have let slip a secret weapon in the battle against frost: the humble onion, available for under a quid at most supermarkets. But it’ll take some preparation and forward-planning.
The experts explained: “Use an onion to treat the glass the night before. The natural oils in onions create a barrier that helps prevent frost buildup by breaking down frost as it forms.”
All you need is an onion sliced in half. Before the night gets cold, rub the cut side over your car windows and windscreen. This leaves behind a layer of oily residue that reportedly stops the ice from latching onto your windows as the temperatures plummet.
For variety, there’s also the vinegar solution—a blend of vinegar and water sprayed onto the windscreen the night before for a smiliar effect.
Additionally, according to the car gurus, throwing a tarp or cloth over your windscreen overnight can fend off those frosty invaders just as well.
According to the experts, combining these night-before hacks can guarantee a frost-free vehicle in the morning, even after an extremely cold night.
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They stressed that preparation is key: “On frosty mornings, it’s common to see drivers struggling to clear their windscreen, which can scratch the glass and cause lasting damage.”
Failure to properly de-ice your car before driving can result in a £60 fine and three penalty points on your licence, as driving with an obstructed view is considered a “dangerous condition”. It is essential to clear the entire windscreen, not just the driver’s side.