The late Queen interjected in a dispute Meghan had during a wedding tasting (Image: Getty)
Queen Elizabeth II delivered a damning response to the Duchess of Sussex during a food tasting ahead of her wedding to .
The Queen overheard in a disagreement when tasting some of the dishes for her big day at Windsor Castle before marrying Harry in May 2018. According to a royal expert, Meghan became “quite upset” over one of the vegan options that she tasted.
In her book The New Royals, Katie Nicholl spoke of a palace insider who revealed what happened.
“Meghan was at the castle to taste some of the dishes, and told one of the caterers she could taste egg.
Harry and Meghan wed in May 2018. (Image: Getty)
“She got quite upset, saying that the dish was meant to be vegan and macrobiotic, when suddenly the Queen walked in and said: “Meghan, in this family we don’t speak to people like that,” said the insider.
There are various other reports of the late Queen speaking her mind when interacting with Meghan in the lead up to the royal wedding.
One dispute in particular saw the late monarch reveal how she really felt about Meghan over an issue with her wedding day tiara. Rober Lacey, a royal biographer, wrote in his 2020 book of the goings on ahead of the ceremony.
“Not for the first time, nor sadly the last, the word ‘no’ pushed a button inside him and he flew into a rage,” Lacey said of Harry in his 2020 book.
The late queen reportedly spoke her mind to Meghan on multiple occasions (Image: Getty)
“There were dressers and flunkies present, guarding and organising the jewels, so it was inevitable that his now-famous exclamation should find its way to the outside world – ‘What Meghan wants, Meghan gets!’
“Her Majesty did not approve. ‘Meghan cannot have whatever she wants,’ she was reported to have replied. ‘She gets the tiara that she’s given by me.’”
was later forced to deny the shouting allegations when they were leaked to the public. The Duke insisted he did not make the angry comment when writing in his memoir, speaking of his own experience of the ‘Tiara-gate’ dispute.