Gardener shares job to do now with fallen leaves to create most ‘nutrient rich compost’

compost with fallen leaves

How to create compost with fallen leaves in your garden (Image: Getty)

The answer is to recycle as many of them as possible to create Leafmould, which over time decomposes to create mulch and compost.

The recycling of fallen leaves for using in our garden pots and onto garden beds and borders is a very satisfying garden job.

It is very simple to do and by doing this job every autumntime we will create a supply of mulch and compost.

All we need is a pair of gloves and a rake to fill old compost bags with as many leaves as we can.

The leaves inside the bags should be moist but not waterlogged, so prick the base of the bags to assist air circulation and prevent them filling with water.

The bags should be closed up so the process of turning from leaves into a mulch and compost can start.

Once you are happy with your bags of leaves simply tuck them out of the way and forget about them until this time next year.

The contents will mulch the beds and borders and improve the soil and if left longer into the following spring then for potting up plants and flowers.

Just remember to repeat the process year after year and your plants will continue to enjoy the nutrient rich contents.

If you would like to order a leaf rake and garden tools, please visit and use my promo code 24TOM10 to get 10 percent off your order.

Please do follow me on and @garden_with_tom for more seasonal gardening advice and tips.

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