A cruise ship expert has warned passengers to avoid four mistakes (Image: Getty)
A expert has warned passengers to avoid four mistakes that could make a hole in their pockets. A video shared by a travel expert Gary Bembridge on his YouTube channel talks about the instances where people have reached out to him with their concerns while he explained what went wrong and how it could be prevented.
During the 14-minutes long video, the – Bidding, The Fare, Changes to the Plans and Unexpected Costs.
Mr Bembridge said: “I am frequently contacted by stressed cruise passengers at the end of their tether, seeking my help on how to get out of a costly mistake they have made.
“In recent weeks, several cruisers have been in touch about the same four issues that seem to keep catching people out. I thought I needed to warn all cruisers about them.”
1) Bidding
He said: “Make sure you always check the terms and conditions before bidding. Upgrade bidding is fraught with issues, and others have asked me for help, or I have stepped in to assist.”
The expert explained how important is to check with their travel agent what upgrading without going through the bid process would cost.
He concluded: “If you ever receive those opportunities to bid, please make sure you read the terms and conditions. Because once the bid is accepted, there may be no turning back, including if you don’t like the cabin or location you’re given.”
The expert shared crucial tips for travellers (Image: Getty)
2) The Fare
He said: “The next issue is one that I am contacted by more people about than any other. This is when fares prices change and particularly when they go down.
“To avoid the costly mistake of paying more than you must, you should track fare changes for your cruises.”
3) Changes to the plans
The expert shared: “The third issue that I get many messages about is around when cruise lines change itineraries or drop ports, either before or during the cruise.
“People often ask me, what compensation can they get? Particularly when they’ve booked a specific cruise because they wanted to go to certain places.
“The terms and conditions which every cruiser accepts when booking a cruise, means there is little one can do. They allow cruise lines to change itineraries and ports for pretty much any reason without the chance to cancel or get any compensation. However, many of the cruise lines do say if the change is significant or consequential then you can.
“Although if it is a significant change of itinerary before departure then rather than go on a costly cruise you don’t want to do, then push for it.”
4) Unexpected Costs
Mr Bembridge advises passengers to carry a First Aid kit in case of minor injuries or illnesses.
He said: “If you do have an issue where you need to see a doctor, consider whether it’s going to be more cost-effective to see an emergency doctor or a local doctor in the next port, and thirdly like Diana have travel insurance.
“And while it is important to have insurance, also make sure you get your costs or visit to the medical centre documented and leave the ship with as much written confirmation as you can, to avoid a costly surprise later.”