Coronation Street fans ‘never noticed before’ as they spot Lisa Swain star in ’90s episode

fans were left stunned after recognising DS Lisa Swain star Vicky Myers from an earlier episode of the ITV soap.

The actress first graced the screen as the detective in 2021, aiding with the Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvaney) rape case. Since then, she’s become a key member of the ensemble and a hit with viewers.

Particularly over the past year, following the vanishing and subsequent return of Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton), who was victimised by the vile solicitor Joel Deering (Calum Lill).

Joel met his end in September, with several Weatherfield residents, including Lisa, under suspicion. However, it later transpired that Lauren was his killer.

Before her role as DS Lisa Swain, Vicky had roles in shows like Ackley Bridge and Casualty. She also held a main role in the ITV drama The Long Shadow in 2023, reports Lancs Live.


Coronation Street fans will be left on the edge of their seat next week as DS Swain is framed for Joel Deering's murder

Lisa has become a beloved character on the soap (Image: ITV)

However, it’s only now that fans of the enduring ITV soap are realising she made an appearance on years ago, albeit as a different character.

In a video, one fan shared a clip of the actress on back in 2010. The TV star portrayed a driver who was stopped by Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall) to call for help after his wife Molly (Vicky Bins) was trapped following their car crash.

It has been revealed that Vicky’s role as a police officer isn’t her first appearance on the cobblestoned streets of ITV’s .



Vicky’s past soap roles have been revealed (Image: ITV)

In 2007, she featured as a paramedic rushing to the scene of a fire at Number 4 .

Even earlier, back in her days as an extra, she was cast as a nurse at Weatherfield General during the tragic demise of Des Barnes in November 1998.

Supporters of the iconic soap exploded with comments after discovering Vicky’s previous roles. One astounded viewer commented on : “Omg never noticed.”


She also appeared on the soap in the ’90s (Image: ITV)

Another shared their surprise, penning: “I forgot about this!” And a third echoed many fans’ feelings: “How do I not remember this.”

Vicky’s prominent break came in 2016 with the Harlan Coben series The Five, and she continued to attract attention in Channel 4’s Ackley Bridge and The Long Shadow. Yet, her lifelong ambition had been to act on .

Born and bred in Stockport, Greater Manchester, Vicky recounted to The Mirror: “In the North, as soon as you mention you’re an actress, people ask, ‘Oh, have you been in ‘

“Now I can proudly say I have. On my first day, I walked down the cobbles and I thought, ‘I recognise you.’ I’ve grown up watching the show, so it feels like home.”

airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8pm on ITV1 and ITVX

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