The world’s incredible new 15-minute city in the middle of the desert to house 5 million


It features futuristic flying cable cars (Image: City of Telosa)

in the middle of the desert, and it could reach a population of one million in 10 years.

Former Walmart president Marc Lore dreamed up the experimental city called Telosa, where will be banned and concept images show flying pods, autonomous cars, and miles of greenhouses and solar panels.

Telosa is sold as an idealistic 15-minute city where people could “spend less time commuting and more time connecting with others or the natural environment”.

It would be built on values of openness, fairness, and inclusivity, where “politicians are accountable” and residents can access a comprehensive training system to “equip people for high paying, long lasting jobs”. 

While no set timeline for construction has been announced, the team said the first residents will be “ready to move in 2030”.  

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Telosa city

An American billionaire has dreamed up the plan (Image: City of Telosa)

Developers suggest it would start out with a population of 50,000, and within 10 to 20 years this will grow to 1 million people, reaching five million in around 40 years.

The development team said Telosa “sets a global standard for urban living, expands human potential, and becomes a blueprint for future generations”.

Lore’s principle behind the city is equitism: “The mission of Telosa is to create a more equitable and sustainable future. That’s our North Star.”

He added it’s an “economic system in which citizens have a stake in the land; as the city does better, the residents do better.”

Lore wants to secure $400 billion (£318 billion) in funding, from sources like private investors, philanthropists, federal and state grants, and economic development subsidies.

Telosa city

Developers hope its population will reach 5 million by 2050 (Image: City of Telosa)

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The development team confirmed they are scouting for locations at a minimum of 30,000 acres. Appalachia and the American West desert are both in the mix.

The city name is derived from the Greek phrase “Telos”, which means “the highest purpose”.

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