The evil Tom King (portrayed by James Chase) will persist in spreading fear in , as future episodes reveal he maintains his malicious activities even from behind bars after being charged with mistreating Belle Dingle (played by Eden Taylor-Draper).
The wicked character found himself back under arrest as fresh proof surfaced, corroborating the allegations of abuse against his wife Belle.
Having initially reported Tom to authorities due to his abusive and dominant conduct earlier this year, Belle’s case had hit a dead end because evidence was scarce.
In a lucky breakthrough, the police were finally able to retrieve condemning data from Toms iPad, which he had tried to destroy earlier. The recovered files afforded Belle a sense of vindication as it was sufficient to charge Tom, affirming her accusations.
While revealing the news within Amelia Spencer’s (Daisy Campbell) hearing range, a detective declared to Belle: “Thomas King has been charged with coercive controlling behaviour and assault against you.”
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Tom King had been abusing Belle Dingle for month (Image: ITV)
Although arrested, Tom managed to get bail and returned to the village while waiting for his trial. Before his attempted escape abroad, thwarted at a ferry port where he was captured by the constabulary, he confronted Belle one last time.
Locked up, Tom’s sinister plot thickens as he draws Angelica King (Rebecca Bakes) into his web. Angelica, just out of a young offenders institute herself, seeks to communicate with her imprisoned cousin, only to be ensnared by Tom’s manipulative praise and charm in the drama ahead.
In a concerning turn of events, she quickly falls for his anti-Belle stance and is swept away by his manipulative behaviour.
Angelica is set to be caught up in Tom’s next plan (Image: ITV)
Belle then informs Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) that Tom has pleaded not guilty. Through a phone call, scheming Tom persuades Angelica to attempt to sway Jimmy King (Nick Miles) in favour of his defence.
Will the King’s assistance liberate Tom? Or will justice at last prevail?
airs weekdays at 7:30pm on ITV and ITVX.
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