Couple embracing the zodiac (Image: Getty)
As you consider the future of some relationships, you need to take into account the practical side as well as the emotional and physical happiness they might bring. Romantic bonds can foster a wonderful sense of closeness but it’s crucial to be practical when it comes to making decisions as a couple.
At first everything appears to be going well, and you might feel like you’re improving your speed on tasks that were once tough for you. Later, you may need to concentrate on other priorities and this could lead to you having to postpone jobs you had intended to finish.
Someone in your family is encouraging you to make a decision. But if you need a little more time to think it over, don’t hesitate to let them know. New and intriguing interests are emerging, and while you’re enthusiastic about getting involved, you need to consider them thoroughly.
You’re feeling unusually irritable and less sensitive to others than usual. You don’t mean to be awkward but stress from work and personal matters are taking a toll. You’re focused now on your own issues and don’t have the energy to deal with other people’s problems.
A friend seems to have a never-ending list of reasons for letting you down lately. It will feel like you have heard these excuses time and again. When someone consistently disappoints you, it’s only natural to seek support from those you can rely on.
You will be enjoying the challenge of keeping things running smoothly at home. Your hard work in this area could lead to some unexpected rewards. It might also be a good idea to gently encourage a housemate who isn’t as organised to adopt a tidier routine.
Signs of the zodiac (Image: Getty)
If your plans have fallen through and you find yourself with some free time, why not try something completely different from your usual routine? Activities that challenge your creativity and intellect can be really rewarding. Take this opportunity to try something new and make the most of your time.
Taking some time to yourself to reflect on a recent decision will pay off in the long-run. Your priority should be to avoid taking on so much that what should be a pleasurable opportunity starts feeling like a heavy load.
A lot is happening very quickly and you will enjoy being in the middle of all that is going on. You’re handling a sudden burst of activity really well. There will also be those moments when a casual word or action brings about plenty of laughter and a deep sense of connection.
Hands clasping the zodiac (Image: Getty)
There may be a touch of loss or disappointment in the air, but this doesn’t have to mean a relationship is over. You could just be experiencing a rough patch or feeling a bit lost about where things are headed. Instead of letting anxiety build, share your feelings with someone you trust.
You’re making a stronger connection with those around you. Ongoing efforts to strengthen close relationships and friendships are turning out to be more successful than you thought. Loving bonds provide the emotional comfort and security you currently long for.
Even if it seems like you’ll never find a way forward, you still feel very serious about commitments you have already made. Plans may be progressing slowly but they are still relevant. Stay the course, as the current situation will only serve to reinforce your feelings in certain areas.