The UK looks set to be hit by another barrage of , with the latest revealing the exact dates millions of Britons will be hammered by it.
Maps from WXCHARTS show that on Monday (December) during the early hours of the morning, snow could blanket Scotland but England likely won’t see snow until the next day.
By Tuesday (December 3), the North of England, including Manchester and Newcastle will be hit with which could reach up to 3cm per hour.
Snowfall in Scotland could reach as high as 10cm per hour with Newcastle in England also seeing the same level.
Nearly all of Scotland and regions in northern England look set to be hit by snow throughout the remainder of that day.
UK weather maps show snow will hit the north of England and Scotland (Image: WXCHARTS/GETTY)
From December 2-4, snow will fall across the UK, Scotland will see most snow (Image: WXCHARTS)
This will be the first snowfall in December with potential for more throughout the month (Image: WXCHARTS)
On Tuesday morning at around 6am, temperatures could plunge to as low as -5C in central Scotland, and just a couple of degrees higher in surrounding areas.
Large parts of England, Wales and Northern Ireland may also see the mercury hovering just above freezing.
It comes after the issued including southern and western England.
Throughout the final month of the year, . .
The South of England will not be impacted by snow (Image: WXCHARTS)
Maps show the South of England and the Midlands will see rainfall rather than snow (Image: WXCHARTS )
Recent weather maps from WXCHARTS showed the UK being hammered by snow for around 48 hours from around 6am on December 11 – spanning several hundred miles.
The ‘s latest forecast warns of a “cold and frosty” start on Tuesday, “with some patchy freezing fog in places, which may be slow to clear”
Cloud will increase from the west, before rain hits western areas, which may fall as snow at first across Scotland and the Highlands.
The forecast adds temperatures will be “close to or below average on Tuesday, then rising above average where frontal systems move in from the west”.