Whip up quick mince pies in 30 minutes with easy four-ingredient air fryer recipe

Close-up image of white cake stand

Why not try your hand at making a batch with this simple four-ingredient air fryer recipe (Image: Getty)

Christmas presents the perfect opportunity to feast on an array of mince pies – and with this incredibly straightforward featuring just four ingredients, you can easily make your own scrumptious selection.

There’s something unbeatably cosy about enjoying a home- mince pie paired with a steaming hot drink, so why not give home baking a whirl with this wonderfully simple from online food creator Sisley.

Far from the traditional elaborate mince pie making, which involves an extensive list of components and intricate steps, this nifty little cuts down the fuss to just four key ingredients, reports .

Sceptics might call it “cheating,” yet the result is a delectable set of mince pies in a flash.

In no more than half an hour, thanks to that modern the air fryer, your mince pies will be golden brown and ready to enjoy.

Traditional british christmas Mince pies

All you’ll need is an air fryer (Image: Getty)

Below you’ll find what you need for 12 festive mince pies.

Air fryer mince pies


  • One sheet of shortcrust pastry (approximately 350g)
  • Flour for dusting
  • 300g mincemeat
  • One egg

Even with the ingredient lineup being a breeze, youre going to want a couple of gadgets to put together your pies.

Essential items include a pastry cutter, a rolling pin, a dozen cupcake cases, and naturally, the ever-reliable air fryer.


Allocating 15 minutes to prep and a further quarter-hour to cook in your air fryer, start by flattening out your purchased pastry sheet and employ your pastry cutter to snip out bases marginally larger than your cupcake cases.

Softly press them into the cases to shape the base of the pies. Spoon the mincemeat mixture into the cupcake case bases, filling them up to roughly three-quarters.

With the remaining pastry, fashion 12 lids, which can be either star-shaped for a festive tiwist or smaller circular tops.

Beat an egg and glaze it over each lid. Then, air fry six pies at a go for 15 minutes at 180C.

Sisley recommends checking after ten minutes to gauge if they need more time and have achieved a golden brown hue. Then tuck into your homemade treats!

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