The verdict at Birmingham Crown Court confirmed Filmon Andmichaen as the murderer of Liwam Bereket (Image: West Midlands Police)
In a callous act of violence, a Birmingham man has been found guilty of murdering his expectant partner after she refused to have an abortion. Filmon Andmichaen took Liwam Bereket’s life in August 2023; he lured her to a remote woody area in Ladywood under false pretences.
The couple was romantically involved, and the conflict arose when Liwam, aged 26, revealed she was pregnant and resisted Andmichaen’s insistence on terminating the pregnancy. Described by detectives as excited about motherhood at six months into her pregnancy, Liwam’s hopes were brutally dashed as Andmichaen decided to ‘take matters into his own hands’ because she would not consent to an abortion.
The verdict at Birmingham Crown Court confirmed Filmon Andmichaen as the murderer of Liwam Bereket today, November 27, landing him a life sentence behind bars.
Police reports reveal that after inflicting fatal stab wounds on Liwam on August 1, 2023, the murderer, aged 31, returned home and admitted to his brother that he had attacked a woman. Two hours post the stabbing, Andmichaen rang the authorities to confess, asserting it was accidental,
Forensic officers at the scene on Freeth Street in Ladywood, Birmingham where a woman was found seriously injured and later died at the scene. A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in custody. Picture date: Wednesday August 2, 2023. PA Photo. See PA story POLICE Ladywood . Photo credit should read: Jacob King/PA Wire (Image: PA)
Nevertheless, officers discovered Liwam grievously wounded, and both she and her unborn daughter were pronounced dead at the location. An ensuing investigation uncovered witnesses who had seen Andmichaen previously assaulting Liwam in public.
Friends further described his behaviour towards her as “abusive and aggressive.”
Captured footage showed Liwam and Andmichaen heading to Freeth Street, shortly before she would be seen alive for the last time.
Over a quarter of an hour later, Andmichaen was seen on CCTV returning to his vehicle and departing. During a trial at Birmingham Crown Court, Andmichaen insisted that the death of Liwam and her unborn daughter was a tragic accident and he had no intention of causing harm.
However, authorities stated he did everything possible to prevent Liwam from seeking help, even going as far as stealing her mobile phone after stabbing her, which was later discovered in his car boot. Today, November 27, Andmichaen was convicted of murdering Liwan and her unborn child.
He received a minimum sentence of 27 years in prison on the same day. Following the sentencing, Detective Chief Inspector Jim Colclough from West Midlands Police’s Homicide Unit expressed: “It’s just heart-breaking that a young woman who was looking forward to becoming a mum was killed in such a callous way.”
“This was a very distressing investigation for my team, but they have been determined to get justice for Liwam and her family. Andmichaen has shown no remorse for his actions and has caused Liwam’s family further pain by putting them through a trial.”
“Andmichaen’s actions led to Liwam and her unborn baby girl’s death. I Hope the result today brings Liwam’s family some peace in knowing that the person who killed their daughter and her baby will serve many years in prison.”
“Violence against women and girls is unacceptable and won’t be tolerated. We know there is still more work to do, and it remains a priority for us. We’ll continue working alongside our partners, to ensure everyone feels safe in the West Midlands.”