Couple embracing the zodiac (Image: Getty)
You prefer to keep your business to yourself. You’re committed to handling some personal matters privately and hope they stay that way. Even so, the curiosity and persistence of others, especially a nosy neighbour, is not likely to fade anytime soon.
Lately you have been feeling quite sensitive and emotional. This means your feelings are playing a big role in your decisions. It’s easy to let your heart rule your head but in some matters it might be better to pause and give yourself some extra time before making any major choices.
A close friend or family member may be feeling unwell and because of this, may need to delay previously arranged plans. This will be disappointing for you but if you don’t offer the understanding they need at this time, it could create additional strain in your relationship.
By keeping a light-hearted perspective, you might find it easier to stay calm about situations that are frequently blown out of proportion. Be cautious too about accepting things as they appear. It would be both sensible and wise for you to question what you see.
Agreements are made and legal documents signed. You’re involved in a number of serious issues and having someone advocating for you behind the scenes can really help. You’re taking on extra responsibilities but this will feel like a positive step and you won’t hesitate to start something new.
After all the hard work and some personal sacrifices, you’re about to experience the sweet taste of success. You will soon receive some positive news about your career, signalling the end of a challenging time and paving the way for better days ahead.
Signs of the zodiac (Image: Getty)
You have been giving your partner the reins when it comes to decision-making. How can you be confident about being on the same page with their choices? Keeping the lines of communication open is essential in order to work together to reach decisions that reflect both of your perspectives.
You might not find a coworker’s contributions particularly impressive, but pause for a second before voicing your thoughts. A new team member could be feeling lost and uncertain. If that’s the situation, your remarks might do them more harm than good.
Past experiences have played a role in shaping who you are now. You’ve been thinking a lot about this. It is equally as important to focus on the present and what might lie ahead. Treasure your memories but don’t let them hold you back from making the most of new opportunities.
Hands clasping the zodiac (Image: Getty)
There could be a chance for you to work some additional hours, but your boss may not appreciate your answer. Although you take your commitments seriously, you’re tired of people taking advantage and you intend to focus on your own needs for a change.
Be cautious about getting too closely involved with someone new. It may appear harmless at the start but they could be hiding their true intentions and this might create issues for you in the future. Approach the situation with caution.
Your partner needs to know they have your undivided attention as they want to discuss something important with you. If you’re not in a relationship, brace yourself for the arrival of a vibrant and spirited individual. You may not be swept off your feet, but their charisma and passion will catch your interest for a time.