The row started over a Facebook post (Image: Getty)
A “callous” woman who nearly killed a 64-year old housewife with a single punch after a row over a Facebook post, has been spared jail.
Susan Lloyd, 62, challenged Diane Jones to a fight outside a pub before hitting her, causing her to fall into the street, bang her head and suffer two bleeds on the brain.
She dragged Miss Jones onto the pavement “like a rag doll” after the attack but then abandoned her and went back into the bar to speak with friends – even appearing to “re-enact” the uppercut as she chatted to them.
Chester Crown Court heard Lloyd was dating the widowed husband of Miss Jones’s late sister – but Miss Jones had posted on social media that the family felt he had moved too quickly into a new relationship.
Lloyd admitted causing GBH but was given a suspended sentence.
The incident happened when both women were in their local Witton Chimes pub in Northwich as the and Liverpool FC FA Cup quarter final was being played in March 2024.
CCTV footage showed them on the pavement outside with Lloyd shaking her head and waving her arms about before punching Miss Jones to the head.
Lloyd then twice tried to hit the victim as she was staggering backwards before falling onto double yellow lines.
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In a statement Miss Jones said: “One minute I was celebrating a Manchester goal and the next minute I was in hospital where I was told that I had two bleeds on the brain.
“I have had constant medical appointments; four CT scans an MRI scan and I have been to see my GP and had hospital appointments multiple times.
“I am seeing a physiotherapist and I am waiting for appointments with neurology and spinal specialists. I am also on pain medication and cannot get negative thoughts out of my head.
“I imagine lying next to my sister who has passed away. I am frightened all the time and think that everyone hates me.”
She added: “I cannot understand why this has happened. It keeps running through my head, ‘Why have you done such a thing?’”
She said she felt ‘lucky’ that a paramedic was walking past after the incident.
“I truly feel that if not because of them I would be lying next to my sister.”
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Peter Hussey prosecuting said: “The friction arose from the defendant’s relationship with a man who was married to Miss Jones’s sister. This happened on the anniversary of the sister’s death.
“There was some friction as to why he should take someone up so soon afterwards. That was the feeling of Miss Jones and her side of the family.”
Daniel Lister, defending, said: “It was an impulsive or short lived assault – it is really one punch and it is the falling to the floor that causes the injury.
“But this is someone for whom this behaviour is genuinely out of character. She is genuinely remorseful and was under particular strain at the time.”
Judge Steven Everett sentenced Lloyd to eight months in prison suspended for two years. She was also ordered to complete 150 hours unpaid work, 20 days rehabilitation and a three month 7 pm to 7am curfew,
A restraining order was issued forbidding her from approaching or contacting Miss Jones for five years.
Judge Everett told Lloyd: “Your behaviour on that day was truly callous.
“You punched the complainant right out of the blue. This is not just a minor injury that can be shrugged off…It is clear you did not give two hoots if she died and she could have.
“If she had you would have been facing a charge of manslaughter and I would be sending you to prison for a considerable period of time. You need to understand you came close to being a killer.
“I am quite sure Diane Jones does not feel fortunate at all but it was only by good fortune that she did not die.”